Monday, February 13, 2012


Obama’s Chief of staff, Jacob Lew, said the Obama Administration will no longer discuss the birth control issue and that no more compromise will be made.  All American businesses and insurance companies must provide free birth control and the White House doesn’t care whether it is violating anyone’s rights or not. 

Insurance companies have the right to offer what coverage they want to offer; you don’t have to buy it.  And I should not have to pay for it through higher premiums.  Beyond that, the issue really is about whether or not Obama and his cronies have the right to tell religions how to run their churches or businesses how to run their business.  This is only the tip of the iceberg about how ObamaCare will be run.  The fact that they no longer want to talk about it underscores the fact that they know they are wrong; whenever they are wrong, they either yell or scream louder than anyone else, or they clam up.  It’s time for this dictatorship to be dismantled. 

Q. What’s do you think about the Obama’s Pentagon plan to put women on the front lines? (Edna ~ Corvalis, OR)
A. That’s a great idea.  Let’s start with Nancy Pelosi. 

Q. The new Chief of Staff in the White House claims that the President’s new budget will save the country.  According to the plan, taxes on Americans will go up by $1.5 trillion and military spending will be cut by $1.5 trillion and spending on the Presidents new projects will go up by $826 billion on infrastructure, job creation and teachers.  He says they will save $2.50 for every dollar spent.  What do you think?  (Irving ~ Stateline, NV)
A. Horseshit; it’s pure, unadulterated horseshit.  Flim flam.  Obama has never told the truth about anything to do with money or statistics.  He was going to save us trillions with ObamaCare; instead, it’s going to cost us more trillions.  He blatantly lied about the success of his economic recovery act claiming more Congressional Districts had increases in jobs than we have Congressional Districts.  His unemployment figures are total fabrications.  This is the guy who thinks we have 57 states, remember?  And he wants you to believe his math this time? 

Q. New Hampshire is planning to ban scented soaps due to health concerns.  Why don’t they ban TV because it’s bad for your eyes?  (Sark ~ Saint Louis, MO)
A. There are some soaps that I am allergic to.  My solution?  I buy other brands.  But, isn’t this really about the governments in the country trying to run every aspect of our lives?  Haven’t we had enough of this crap?   If I wanted to put up with this nonsense, I'd move to Russia. 

“There's something wrong with a mother who washes out a measuring cup with soap and water after she's only measured water in it.” ~ Erma Bombeck


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