Wednesday, February 1, 2012


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has been threatened with Contempt of Congress charges if he continues to stonewall on the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal.  Top officials of the Catholic Church have spoken out loudly against Obama’s stance that employees of the church must be provided with a health insurance plan that includes free contraceptives. 

It’s obvious to even the most naïve of Americans that Obama and his goon-squad cronies have launched a total assault on the rights of individual Americans, businesses and organizations.  And he’s bolstering his position by using money from an increasing national debt to create more voters who are totally dependent on the government for their daily existence.  He must be removed and we must not, cannot slack off on our duty to see that he is.   

Q. Of all of the bad things that Obama has done to the country, what do you consider to be the worst?  (Irene ~ Milpitas, CA)
A. He has polarized the country and divided us like no President has ever done before.  We are no longer the United States, we are the Chaotic States. 

Q. If Romney wins the Republican election, how do you anticipate the Republican Party will progress to the future?  (Francine ~ Rocklin, CA)  
A. The anti-Romney faction will come in line and reluctantly support him in the election, simply for the purpose of defeating Obama.  Afterwards, look for the conservatives to bolt from the party and form a new party, probably in conjunction with the American Tea Parties.  It is even conceivable that the “moderate” or “liberal” faction of the Republican Party will merge with the Democrats; they might as well, because you can’t tell the difference anymore. 

Q. In Nevada, we used to have a primary ballot.  Now, it is a caucus.  I don’t have the time to go and spend all day in a party rally before I am allowed to vote.  I feel like I have been disenfranchised from having the opportunity to participate in the election process and that this is a sham designed to keep the power among a limited few.  I don’t think it is a democratic process at all.  What’s your opinion?  (Gordon ~ Henderson, NV)
A. I agree with you 100%.  And… the party expects you to contribute?  Caucuses should be outlawed.  

“I have learned the difference between a cactus and a caucus. On a cactus, the pricks are on the outside.” ~ Mo Udall


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