Sunday, February 26, 2012


The Pakistani compound occupied by terrorist Osama Bin Laden for several years is being demolished.  The demolition is being conducted under tight security, according to informed sources. 

I’m actually surprised.  I had a feeling that the place would be enshrined.  It could be of great historical interest, somewhat akin to Mt. Vernon or Lincoln’s tomb.  I’m surprised the liberal left isn’t all over this. 

Q. I am concerned about the ability of the Republican Party to beat Obama in November. Right now, things are getting better for Obama as a whole and the Republicans are beating each other up.  What do you think?  (Benny ~ Hayfork, CA)
A. I agree with you.  But, it’s not just the candidates.  The party itself is split with conservatives on the one side and “moderates” on the other.  The moderates are the left wing of the Republican Party and they don’t seem to want anything to do with the right wing.  Contrary to what the “moderates” would have you believe, I do not think the party will totally unite behind Romney in order to beat Obama; many will stay home in total disgust with the party.  Still others will have vinegar on their French fries. 

Q. I’ve heard a lot of predictions about how high the price of gas will get. What’s your opinion?  (Lars- Truckee, CA)
A. You’ll be angry at me for saying this, but $5.00 is the probability and $7.00 is a possibility.  The natural result is going to be a decline in the economy and higher unemployment which will hurt Obama’s reelection prospects.  On that basis alone, I wouldn’t mind seeing $7.00 a gallon.  Would you make that tradeoff?   

Q. Should Obama get into the national oil reserves in order to keep prices down?  (Kevin ~ Redondo Beach, CA)
A. No way.  That reserve is there to keep us with fuel in the event of a worldwide shortage of supply.  If he taps it, it can only be short-term and I don’t think he would consider that until just before the November election.  Even so, it can only reduce the price at the pump by a few cents per gallon and for a limited time.  What he should do, of course, is to approve the Keystone Pipeline, but he has backed himself into a political corner over that issue.  As long as he’s there, maybe he should put on a dunce cap.   

With only 2 percent of the world's proven reserves of oil, we in the United States can pump until we are blue in the face and it will not change the fact that we need more diverse and more secure sources of energy.” ~ Zack Wamp


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