Thursday, January 14, 2010


A reporter for the WEEKLY STANDARD was viciously shoved down against a wrought-iron rail Tuesday night near a Capitol Hill fundraiser for Massachusetts Senate candidate Martha Coakley. The “shover” is alleged to be one Michael Meehan, who was engaged as a "communications consultant" for the Coakley campaign at the behest of the Democratic Party. The victim, reporter John McCormack, was helped to his feet by Meehan, the "communicator," and then shoved again.

This display of physical aggressiveness has manifested itself many times in the past year, at Tea Parties, at Town Hall Meetings and at other events where the so-called “elite” have resorted to physical attacks against those whom they perceive to be political enemies. These are the people who refuse to responsibly debate issues, who shout out those who challenge them and who resort to name-calling and bully tactics when all else fails. I really intended to keep my nose out of Massachusetts’ political business until this happened. The Coakley Camp simply must be defeated at all costs.

Q. All of the sudden, here is another rush, rush emergency drill to get the Health Care plan onto the floor of the House, voted on and then stampeded into the Senate and voted on and passed by the end of the weekend. What’s the big "crisis" this time? (Karn ~ Laguna Beach, CA)
A. Obama, Reid and Pelosi have huddled over the last two days and determined that there is a realistic possibility that Scott Brown, a Republican running to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat, might win. Brown has pledged to vote against the health care plan. The temporary incumbent has announced he will continue to support it. If Brown gets elected and sworn in before the Senate votes, the Health Care Plan goes down in flames, because that is the key 60th vote. Undoubtedly, the dealing, arm-twisting and outright threats continue in the back rooms of the Capitol as Reid and Pelosi work feverishly to beat the deadline of next Tuesday’s Massachusetts vote. Obama and his henchman Rahm Emanuel are putting the muscle on Reid and Pelosi to deliver, “or else.” Thus, this really is a time for us to “cling on to our guns and religion,” because those goons obviously don’t care that we don’t want their stupid health care plan.

Q. I see there may be over 100,000 dead on Haiti. I’ve always wondered how they deal with so many deaths all at once. (Sally – Tonopah, NV)
A. It’s a real problem. You have lack of infrastructure as well, no water, no electricity, no sewer. The threat of serious disease is an imminent danger. They will have mass burials or cremations within the next day or so, as soon as they can identify the dead. The hidden blessing here is that their main government building, the Presidential Palace, was totally destroyed, so you won’t have a bunch of politicians moping  around, wringing their hands, grand-standing and getting in the way of things.

Q. What is all the ruckus at NBC really about? (Thad ~ Yonkers, NY)
A. NBC has been suffering from declining ratings. When Obama came along, they misread the public and threw all of their media weight behind the Obama agenda. Like the NEW YORK TIMES debacle, Americans saw right through it and ratings plummeted even faster. In a desperate effort to shore up its late night line-up, it decided to move the vastly popular Jay Leno into an earlier time slot and to replace his later show with Conan O’Brien. The plan backfired, with Leno’s ratings taking a dive and O’Brien’s never really taking off. Now, NBC is trying to “fix” the mess it has created, and both Leno and O’Brien are ticked off. In the meantime, NBC’s overall ratings are dropping faster than even Obama’s ratings, if you can believe that. The most endangered species in the whole state of New York right now is the NBC peacock.

“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” ~ Mao Tse-Tung, (from his ornament on the White House Christmas Tree?)



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