Saturday, January 9, 2010


President Obama interrupted the Glenn Beck Show on Thursday to report to the nation that he was upset with the fact that a would-be bomber got aboard a Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day and, rather than blame any one person, he once again said that it was a “systemic failure” and the system needs to be fixed.

Let’s just forget, for a moment, everything that happened after the bomber got on the plane; let’s not talk about the father alerting the U.S. Embassy or any of the other things that happened. Let’s just deal with one individual in a foreign airport buying a one-way ticket with cash, while carrying no luggage. That’s it; that’s all anyone needs to know. This guy gets interviewed and searched before he gets on the plane, straight and simple. But, that didn’t happen. That is not a “systemic failure,” it’s a pure violation of standard procedure, and people need to be fired. The rest of what happened, you can call “systemic” if you want, but this basic violation of procedure is so blatant that you have to ask whether or not it was deliberate, that the bomber had collusion. The fact that angle has not been investigated and no one got fired tells me that airline security is definitely lacking.

As a side note, it seems that, whenever Obama has an announcement to make, which is almost every day he wants his mug in front of the nation, he picks 5:00 PM Eastern during the Glenn Beck Show on Fox. I wonder why that is?

Q. Do you really think they are going to pass this version of the Health Care Bill when so many Americans are against it? (Peggy ~ Manchester, CA)
A. They haven’t backed off yet, have they? Maybe Ray Stevens can persuade them otherwise, (you really need to see the video, below.)

Q. Last year, you predicted another major economic bust in 2010. Many top economists say otherwise. (Carole ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. My opinion stays the same. Some major companies have already announced layoffs. The purchase of used houses has plummeted. And, I’m in good company: James Chanos, a multi-billionaire Wall-Street investor, is now predicting that the economy is about to tank again, big time. “Dubai times 1,000 - - or worse,” he says. And, according to what I hear, there hasn’t been a big rush of gamblers heading to Vegas, either. Even Harry Reid doesn’t go to Nevada anymore but, then again, who wants him?

Q. Is California going to be able to make good on the millions of dollars it has “borrowed” from taxpayers by “temporarily” increasing their tax withholdings? (Kristen ~ San Jose, CA)
A. Not unless they make friends with Timmy Geithner and Barry Obama.

“Are you serious? Are you serious?” ~ Nancy Pelosi (when asked about the constitutionality of the Health Care Plan. Doesn’t she have such a pretty, demure smile when she says those things?)


As I predicted a few days ago, they are plea bargaining with the Christmas day bomber.

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