Monday, January 25, 2010


Barack Obama is now on the stump telling us he is on our side. Yes, come hell or high water, he is going to get Health Care passed this year. Yep, Cap & Trade needs to be done. Yep, we need to spend more money on a stimulus. Yep, we need to raise the national debt. And, he’ll even see if he can’t turn his attention a tad toward really creating some jobs, you know, to add to all of those jobs he saved last year. After all, this good old boy really has our best interests at heart. Why don’tcha all drop by the White House next week and we’ll have a beer?

Oh, and yes… He’s the same Barack Obama who said to us just a few short months ago, “Shut up and get out of the way.” Well, he obviously still doesn’t get it, so I’ll say it:

No, Emperor or Messiah or Ruler of the World… however it is that you defiantly and really see yourself… No, Darth Vader… YOU shut up and get out of the way! We Americans are now taking charge of our OWN destiny, and we surely don’t need you to tell us how to go about it.

Q. What do you think Obama is going to say in his State of the Union Speech? (Janice ~ Arlington, TX)
A. Well, if he’s going to talk about all of the good things he got accomplished last year, it’ll be a very short speech.

Q. Did I hear Osama Bin Laden say that the only reason he and his people are committing terrorist acts is that no one will sit down and talk? (Gene ~ Spokane, WA)
A. Something like that. I can just visualize it now: First, Obama bows and then they head on out to the lawn to have a beer. Maybe Joe will join them again…

Q. Where does Obama get the gall to say that the same thing that swept Brown into office swept him into office? (Lance ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. From the same Cracker Jack box that he got his Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth in?

“The Great Depression, like most other periods of severe unemployment, was produced by government mismanagement rather than by any inherent instability of the private economy.” ~ Milton Friedman

(No worry folks, we have Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke to protect us! )


I think Gitmo is still open and KSM and the boys are still down there?   

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