Friday, May 31, 2013


Corey Thompson, a former military person, was at home when a wanted felon tried to break into his Medford, Oregon apartment.  He grabbed his AR-15 and warned the intruder that he had a gun and that he was firing a warning shot to prove it.   The felon kept trying to get in, so Thompson fired the warning shot and the man fled, only to be captured by police in the parking lot.  The police subsequently ruled that Thompson was not justified in firing the warning shot and seized his AR-15. 

See how easily the innocent become criminalized? 

Q. Should we really abolish the I.R.S.?  (Jana ~ San Lorenzo, CA)
A. That should be every American’s dream.  However, the government does need money to operate, and so some form of taxation must continue to exist, and they require some agency to collect it and enforce it.  However, going to a flat tax or a consumption tax or some combination thereof could literally shrink the I.R.S. to a sliver of its current size and save the taxpayers another several billions of dollars annually in wages. 

Q. What is your opinion of the new national data collection center in Utah? (Dottie ~ Salinas, CA)
A. If you are afraid of a nuclear bomb dropping on your city, you really need to be afraid of this. You think the I.R.S. targeting of segments of society is bad?  You think the silencing of the press and media through the intimidation of investigation and subpoena is bad?  This facility is going to be operated by the National Security Agency and will store everything about you: birth date and place, grades in school starting from pre-school, financial history, who you write your checks to, and what you spend your money on, traffic tickets… In short, your life in its totality will become an open book over which you have no control, no ability to examine and no recourse to correct.   You will be subject to total government domination in ways you cannot possibly imagine.  It should strike stark fear deep into the hearts and souls of all men and women.  As absurd as it sounds, one can easily visualize having your scales at home wired into the data center and your receipt of a per-pound fine for being overweight on the 1st of every month.  It’s all…. Creeeeepy. 

Q. Why wouldn’t a news organization want to participate in an “off the record” interview with Holder?  That doesn’t make sense to me.  (Harold ~ Anacortes, WA)
A. Supposing you were the reporter and attended and Holder told you that he targeted Fox News and the Associated Press at the request of Joe Biden.  Now, you couldn’t report on that, right?  So, I think this is a thinly disguised attempt to muzzle the press on the issue. 

“Why are we in the fishbowl?  They should be in the fishbowl.”  Glenn Beck on our Government


Thursday, May 30, 2013


Back in 1937, famous female aviator Amelia Earhart disappeared during an attempt to fly around the world at the Equator.  There have been countless theories as to her disappearance, including one that pictured her as a war spy.  Now, The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), which has long been investigating Earhart's last flight, is releasing images that show an "anomaly" resting at the depth of about 600 feet in the waters off Nikumaroro island, some 350 miles southeast of Earhart's target destination, Howland Island.  A number of artifacts recovered by TIGHAR during 10 expeditions have suggested that Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, made a forced landing on the island's smooth, flat coral reef. Gillespie and his team believe the two became castaways and eventually died there. 

If proven to be correct, that kills my theory that she, Noonan, Wiley Post and Will Rogers were all shacked up together at the El Cortez Hotel in Las Vegas. 

Q. I heard something yesterday about Obama wanting to sell something called TVA and that a lot of people are against it.  Can you fill me in?  (Gordy ~ Redding, CA)
A. TVA is the acronym for Tennessee Valley Authority.  Franklin Roosevelt invented the agency back around 1933 to bring electricity into the poverty-stricken middle-south states and, hopefully, to kick off the economy in the area.  Still government owned and operated, it is some $25 billion in debt, (every business the government runs is billions of dollars in debt,) and Obama wants to sell it off and claim a debt reduction.  Those against the sale are afraid rates will go up.  My position is that the government should not be in business in any way shape or form, and that it should rid itself of the post office, Amtrak, et al, and ASAP. 

Q. I know that China has been making overt attempts to gain absolute control over the South China Sea lately, but are there any recent developments?  (Chloe ~ Boulder City, NV)
A. An encounter early this month between a Taiwanese fishing boat and a Filipino Coast Guard vessel has raised tensions to a boiling point between the two countries.  The Filipino vessel evidently fired off a round or two at the Taiwanese boat and killed an elderly fisherman on board. 

Q. I cannot believe my ears!  The Democrats and the Tea Party are colluding on something?  (Brian ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. It appears that certain lawmakers in Texas and South Carolina are trying to gain special privileges for themselves or for their government agencies when it comes to guns... privileges not to be given to the general public.  In Texas, the House defeated a measure on Sunday that would have given prosecuting attorneys and lawmakers permission to carry guns anywhere they wanted to in the state.  Just about every state has rules stipulating where a concealed weapon cannot be carried, such as a bar or a statehouse.  I guess it’s back to that old IRS adage: Rank has its privilege. 

“Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.” ~ Peter Drucker


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Like many other close Obama associates, former Obama Campaign Manager David Axelrod is pontificating about how the government needs to reexamine its relationship with the press.  "We have to figure out ... how we deal with national security leaks and how we protect the freedom of the press and the freedom of reporters to operate. And certainly this Rosen case raises some very disturbing issues."  Other Demos, fearing anti-Obama voter retribution in 2014, are joining the call for Eric Holder’s resignation and relaxing their pro-Obama stances with respect to the Benghazi Massacre and the I.R.S. attacks on conservative individuals and organizations. 


Whether they’re using the pious approach or fleeing into the hills, Democrats seem to be totally distracted by the recent events, particularly the I.R.S. scandal, and they’re pulling out all of the stops trying to save face.  Obama wants Holder to tour the 50 states, (or is it really 57?) to build relationships with the press and media, and he also wants to send a team out to sell ObamaCare.  Hopefully, they’ll all travel by cruise ships. 


Q. What’s the latest on gun control?  With all of the noise on other things, we haven’t heard much lately.  (Jess ~ Tillamook, OR)
A. Well, the big news is, it’s recall time in Colorado where the voters are going after those who voted for the extensive new gun laws in the state.  Recent reports show a dramatic decrease in the national number of gun-related homicides since 1993, although gun ownership has been soaring.  And today, a couple of measures are up for voting: one removes the restrictions against guns on Corps of Engineers land, the other would require annual reports from federal agencies on ammunition and gun purchases as well as firearm thefts.  Considering the trouble he’s in, Obama is not likely to push this issue actively right now. 

Q. If they get rid of Holder, will that get the Republicans off of Obama’s back?  (Cherie ~ San Lorenzo, CA)
A. Just like Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano, Holder is merely a symptom of massive corruption and calloused disregard for American law and rights by this administration.  We need to get at the root of the problem. 

Q. Do you have anything to say about that living baby that was flushed down a toilet?  (Fantasy ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Believe it or not, there are some things on this planet that are just too repulsive and disgusting for me to discuss. 


“As an early-and-often chronicler of Chicago-on-the-Potomac, I am amazed at the stubborn and clingy persistence of President Barack Obama's snow blowers in the media. See no scandal, hear no scandal, speak no scandal.” ~ Michelle Malkin


Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Memorial Day has given us pause to reflect and a respite, although be it brief, from the growing stench of decay infecting our government. 

We have a dirty job to do; it is up to us to resolve these issues and return our country back to the greatness it once enjoyed.  It didn’t have to be this way; if we had paid attention to what was going on in our country, we wouldn’t have to roll up our sleeves and face these most unpleasant problems.  Alas, the fact is that the muck has to be cleaned up and we’re the ones who are going to have to do it. 

Q. When you think of national computer hacking, China comes to mind first followed by Nigeria or Russia.  But, I understand the Iranians have been doing some real hacking of their own.  Can you elaborate?  (Briggett ~ Sheridan, WY)
A. Iran has been perilously close to shutting down our national energy system as well as our gas and oil pipelines.  In the latest cyber-assault, Iranian hackers accessed control-system software that could permit them to damage or destroy oil and gas pipelines in the future.  Keep in mind that they only need to get through our cyber-security once, and we’re in deep trouble.  Having said that, I now expect the Justice Department is going to start seizing my emails and monitoring my phone calls. 

Q. What’s going on in Syria these days?  (Raylette ~ Santa Clarita, CA)
A. More chemical weapon attacks by the Assad regime.  Don’t look for Obama to do anything about it; he’s still trying to figure a way out of his Benghazi mess. 

Q. Do you think we will actually send the GITMO detainees back to Yemen or wherever to supposedly be incarcerated?  (Cory ~ Enid, OK)
A. Those countries have received some GITMO prisoners in the past and then released them and they ended up fighting us on the terrorist battlefields again.  They are butchers and POW’s and belong exactly where they are, subject to a military tribunal or the end of hostilities. 

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  ~  Edmund Burke


Monday, May 27, 2013


Iran has been building missile launchers capable of launching missiles to a distance of 1,200 miles.  These missiles are capable to reaching Israel and U.S. bases in the region.  In acknowledging the buildup, Iran says it is now able to “crush the enemy.” 

With all of these bad rumbles in the Middle East and Korean Peninsula, one really has to wonder why Obama is so hell-bent on reduction of our defense capabilities. It's almost as if he's daring our enemies to do something. 

Q. In Roberts, Idaho, they had crosses displayed on their water tower.  Some anti-U.S. bigot filed an objection based on separation of church and state.  The city responded that any religious symbol was welcome on their water tower as long as it was not offensive.  The bigot went to the A.C.L.U. and the city took down the cross.  What’s your opinion on that?  (Kris ~ Rupert, ID)
A. So you have one bigot telling a whole town how to run its government and you have the same town willing to comply.  What is wrong with this picture and why doesn’t somebody do something about it?   

Q. The Feds have executed their vendetta against Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  What’s your opinion? (Kelley ~ Santa Ana, CA)
A. This is just one more of countless examples of intimidation and oppression being exerted by the Obama Administration.  The mentality is this: if they’ll go after Arpaio, they’ll go after Benghazi witnesses, they’ll target media and press reporters who write unfavorable articles, they’ll sick the I.R.S. onto organizations they do not like, they’ll refuse E.P.A. clearances on businesses they don’t like, and they’ll use ObamaCare to cut off medical assistance to anyone who doesn’t vote a straight party ticket.  Welcome to what our country has allowed itself to become.   

Q. My thoughts are that when you have gangster-style activity going on in one agency, you can maybe lay the blame on that agency; but, when you have the same style activity going on in several government agencies, you have to conclude that it starts at the very top.  Do you agree?  (Carlotta ~ Los Alamos, NM)
A. Absolutely.  First we had “Tricky Dick,” and now we have “The Ultimate Don.”

“I have built my organization upon fear.” ~ Al Capone


Sunday, May 26, 2013


BREITBART is reporting that Barack Obama’s close friend and major fundraiser, Penny Pritzker, who he nominated to be the new Secretary of Commerce, didn’t include more than $80 million in income in financial disclosures she filed last week. Her lawyer, Robert Rizzi, wrote the Commerce Department on May 21 that the money was not included in the May 15 filings that were reviewed by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics “because of a clerical error and through no fault of Ms. Pritzker.”

She just HAS to be related to Tim Geithner.  You know, enough is enough.  We’ve become the laughing stock of the world and we deserve to be. 

Q. How can Obama say that the war on terrorism is basically over with?  (Carlos ~ Ruidoso, NM)
A. Those words spilled off his lips like silk, didn’t they?  Don’t forget, he’s reducing our strategic weapons, too.  Maybe he’s on L.S.D.  Sometimes, I think he says things like that to try and get our minds away from all of the mountains of crap he is guilty of creating. 

Q. Do you really think tyranny or a revolution is possible?  (Kent ~ Baypoint, CA)
A. Yes.  But, while I think we are closer to it than we want to recognize, I think the probability of either remains low.  I think the electorate will get ticked off enough to start throwing bums out of office before it will get to that point.  It is encouraging to see that the vast majority of Americans are angry and concerned about the I.R.S. story, Benghazi and the Justice Department.  76% believe the White House either was behind these scandals or knew of them and tolerated them, and that is a good sign.  What I really think might happen is that Obama’s supporters are going to flee like rats on a sinking ship once the import of recent revelations knocks slaps them in their faces.  Whack! 

Q. Why have the nation’s labor unions started to distance themselves from Obama?  (Rodger ~ Stead, NV)
A. They’re discovering that, contrary to Obama’s claims, ObamaCare screws their union health benefit plans.  My, my… There’s just no limit to who Obama will screw in a heartbeat, is there? 

“We should never allow the honor of those who gave their lives so that our nation might survive to become tarnished by those who do not give a damn.”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler