Friday, April 8, 2016


Ever since Megyn Kelly tried to diss Donald Trump in her opening salvo of the first primary debates, there has been a growing feud among Fox staffers that has now reached the boiling point.  Top show anchors and correspondents have been back-biting each other consistently over who treats Trump with kid gloves and who treats him like trash. 

In this process, FOX NEWS has graduated from being “fair and balanced” reporters of daily news events to becoming political hacks and self-absorbed prima donnas.  Their objectivity and reliability as a news source has been badly tarnished. 
Q. Did they have a record turnout in Wisconsin like has been happening in other state primaries?  (Hugo ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. Yes, and it’s interesting to note that the liberals expected a lower turnout due to Wisconsin’s new voter I.D. laws. So much for that argument. 

Q. I can’t believe where this country is going.  I understand there’s a school in Texas that has prohibited parents from walking their children to and from school?  (Chantel ~ Raton, NM)
A. In Magnolia, Texas, the school there is issuing citations to any parent who has the audacity to set one foot on school property; they cite safety concerns.  God forbid that parents or children should be guilty of getting any exercise…

Q. With all of the hacking going around, are electronic voter machines safe from manipulation? (Welleska ~ Chicago, IL)
A. Absolutely not.  Voter fraud is nearly as old as elections themselves, and different states and precincts use different voting systems and machines. But in many cases, even the electronic ballots could be manipulated remotely, according to many reports.  For example, the AVS WINVote machines Virginia has used since 2002 have such flimsy security that an amateur hacker could easily change votes from outside a polling location.

“The greatest threat to the constitutional right to vote is voter fraud.” ~ Lynn Westmoreland


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