Thursday, April 28, 2016


“The Obama State Department last week admitted it withheld a key Benghazi email of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Judicial Watch since at least September 2014.  If the State Department disclosed the email when first supposedly found, Clinton’s email server and her hidden emails would have been disclosed nearly two years ago, before Clinton authorized the alleged deletion of tens of thousands emails,” according to a report on CONSERVATIVEBYTE.COM.  A search declaration suggests the hidden email was found in September 2014 as a result of a search in response to Judicial Watch’s lawsuit.

Why isn’t somebody in jail, Barack? 
Q. Ted Cruz is vetting Carli Fiorina for VP?  When he can’t even win the nomination on the first ballot?  When he got shellacked Tuesday night?  (Sol ~ Beverly Hills, CA)
A. The moves he’s made in the last few days underscore that old adage, “Desperate people do desperate things.”  He should try a mixture of herbal tea and Ex-Lax. 

Q. Do I understand this correctly: children of refugees and illegal immigrants get taken care of by our government better than American-born children of the poor?  (Melissa ~ Bellevue, WA)
A. That’s correct according to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER.    So, what’s the problem? 

Q. I read scientists have discovered a flash of bright, white light at the precise moment a human sperm enters a female egg.  Doesn’t that further lend credence to the existence of God?  (Christopher ~ Chicago, IL)
A. No.  Scientists believe that at that exact moment and for only a brief second, a strong LED flashlight used by the sperm in search of the egg becomes visible to the naked eye.  Actually, they theorize that an explosion occurs when calcium interacts with zinc at the instant of contact. 

“God ceases to be God only for those who can admit the possibility of His non-existence, and that conception is in itself the most severe punishment they can suffer.” ~ Giacomo Casanova


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