Friday, July 24, 2015


Not only was the Office of Personnel Management severely hacked to the tune of over 21 million government employee records, but it is now coming to light that more aspects of the White House systems have been hacked for over a year.  Experts warn the entire U.S. national security clearance system could be compromised, that future senior government leaders and advisers could be targeted even before taking office, and thousands, of government officials could be successfully blackmailed, bribed or otherwise manipulated in the future into handing over still more sensitive information.  “There may be people walking around with higher levels of clearance than they should have,” said one expert.  (FOX NEWS)

It’s the digital equivalent of Pearl Harbor.  I’m beginning to think that even after 6+ years, this administration doesn’t yet know how to flush the toilet. 

Q. How do you feel about volunteer armed citizens standing guard outside military recruiting offices?  (Tina ~ Henderson, NV)
A. I appreciate and agree with the sentiment.  But, I think having a bunch of would-be Rambo’s on the loose is also asking for trouble.  Those roles belong to armed security guards, the cops and the military police... people who have the training and experience.  But, with the FBI admitting it can’t guarantee our safety against terrorists, the day may be just around the corner when we are all armed to the teeth, whether Obama likes it or not.  

Q. Obama and Kerry keep saying if we don’t suck it up and approve their nuclear deal with Iran, our only alternative is war.  Isn’t that just another doomsday scare tactic by the Democrats?  (Travis ~ Lancaster, CA)
A. Right on.  Now you have to ask yourself, who in the hell do they think they are… Napoleon Bonaparte and Genghis Khan, or Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?   

Q. Obama now has the audacity to say again there is no scandal at the IRS and even if there was, it would be the Republicans fault?  (Tomas ~ Janesville, CA)
A. Which, of course, is why Lois Lerner pleaded the Fifth Amendment, all of those emails came up missing, top IRS executives were meeting almost daily at the White House before the scandal broke, and the Justice Department is refusing to cooperate and investigate.  Remember this: If you can’t trust what Obama says on the IRS, how can you possibly trust what he says about Iran? 

“Turn off your email; turn off your phone; disconnect from the Internet; figure out a way to set limits so you can concentrate when you need to, and disengage when you need to.  Technology is a good servant, but a bad master.” ~ Gretchen Rubin


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