Wednesday, July 22, 2015


The latest revelation in the Planned Parenthood scandal has a top executive bargaining for a Lamborghini in exchange for her agreeing to sell fetus tissues and body parts. 

Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for allowing such scum to exist in this country?  Have we become totally Godless?  Is there no limit to our tolerance for moral decay and social depravity?  When are we going to wake up and put a stop to these continuing attacks on our values?   

Q. Should military members be able to carry concealed weapons while on duty stateside?  (Blake ~ Nevada City, CA)
A. I believe active-duty military members, while not in uniform, should be able to carry concealed anywhere in the U.S.  I also believe that when they are IN uniform, they should be able to carry non-concealed, military issued side arms if they have taken training in the use of such side arms, and they should have reasonably prompt and easy access to rifles and shotguns.  If the military doesn’t trust them with weapons, then what are they doing in the military in the first place?  Are we supposed to arm them with spit wads and sling shots? 

Q. Cops found over 12,000 guns and two tons of ammo in a dead man’s California home.  They say there was no indication of criminal activity.  Why in the world would a man want 12,000 guns and two tons of ammo?  (Jane ~ New Washoe City, NV)
A. Maybe he was an investor.  Guns hold their value and if they’re quality guns that are not made in huge numbers, they can actually increase in value over time.  Now, as for the ammo… perhaps he was preparing for the day when Obama and Bloomberg were going to show up and try to take his guns. 

Q. Why was the White House so stubbornly refusing to lower its flags to half-mast after the Chattanooga shootings?  (Jill ~ San Diego, CA)
A. That was an “up yours” to Americans and military personnel who don’t like his Iranian nuclear “deal.”  You will also note that none of the five military personnel who were murdered there were black.  That's a sad way to have to look at it, isn't it?  

“The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion, because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me?  There is nothing in between.” ~ Mother Teresa


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