Friday, July 31, 2015


The United Bank of Switzerland, (UBS), got into problems with the IRS.  They asked Hillary Clinton, then in her early days as Secretary of State, to intervene and the IRS problems went away.  At the time, UBS was donating $60,000 per year to the Clinton Foundation; since then, their contributions have grown to $600,000 and they hired Bill to participate in a question and answer seminar or two for $1.5 million, according to the WALL STREET JOURNAL.    

And you expected that your politicians would be nice, sweet, ethical and moral? 

Q. Do you think the suspension of Tom Brady for four games is fair?  (Benny ~ Dallas, TX)
A. Look at it this way: the alleged deflation of footballs occurred in a critical playoff game.  If the deflation actually occurred and if Brady was behind it, I think he should be barred from professional football entirely.  If they can’t prove that, he should not be suspended at all.  For those reasons therefore, in my opinion, the four-game suspension is wrong.  In any event, the NFL is at fault in the first place; all balls, (footballs, that is), should be inspected by the referees prior to the game. 

Q. Movie stars and celebrities are coming out with propaganda ads supporting the Iran nuclear deal.  Was that engineered by Obama?  (Tippy ~ Vallejo, CA)
A. In my opinion, yes.  Obama called in some chits.  Note that the word “chits” is spelled with a “c.” 

Q. Do you think the lion-hunting dentist should be thrown in jail?  (Lenny ~ Mesa, AZ)
A. I’m sorry about the lion.  Maybe they can sell the body parts… liver, paws, tail….  Where is the same outrage about aborted fetuses?  You take a human life in order to harvest body parts and that’s okay?  Sure… lion lives matter; so do human lives. 

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” ~ John Dalberg-Acton


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