Thursday, July 9, 2015


Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has fired Police Commissioner Anthony Batts due to the surge on violence and crime in that city following their recent race riots. 

It was Blake who ordered the cops to “stand down” during the riots and it is the prosecutor who is grossly mishandling charges against six cops. The police forces, feeling hung out to dry by their city leaders, have evidently been reluctant to put their lives on the line to arrest criminals because they’re afraid of ending up in jail themselves.  The local FOPs, (Fraternal Order of Police), have also been less than supportive of the police during this turmoil and now the Mayor, under criticism for her leadership or lack thereof, has elected to make Batts the scapegoat.  Now, I’m not standing up for Batts, because I’m not privy to the details, but given the chain of events, I have to wonder if Baltimore will ever manage to have a decent police force again.  Where’s Al Sharpton now? 

Q. Greece is in a meltdown and China’s markets are tumbling.  What does all of this mean for us, as our markets are falling?  (Li ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. Fear not; ObamaMan is coming to the rescue.  He’s been calling around to other nations and offering his economic advice on the matter.  I’ve said before in this blog that Obama would offer up some of your money to help Greece out, and I think he will.  That’ll give him another excuse to gut the military budget some more.  Thank God he’s here on the scene; he’s proven himself to be such a formidable economic genius... hasn't he? 

Q. I understand a federal agent’s gun was used in the San Francisco killing?  Garland ~ Santa Fe, NM)
A. That’s what the current story is. I wonder what the odds are that the gun originated in the Fast & Furious gun-running scandal. 

Q. There’s a guy in Montana who wants the okay to have two wives.  He says he’ll sue the state if his request is denied.  Where is all of this going to lead?  (Leonora ~ Page, AZ)
A. How can you deny the request?  That would be discriminatory because, nowhere in the Constitution does it say you can’t have more than one wife.  I don’t think he should be allowed to have guns, however; any man who wants two wives has got to be crazier than a hoot owl.    

“Marriage is neither heaven nor hell; it is simply purgatory.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


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