Wednesday, July 31, 2013


The National Defense University will present Hillary Clinton with its American Patriot Award for being a leader who has “strengthened America’s strategic interests and advanced global security” in November.  She has also dined privately with Barack Obama one day and Joe Biden the next this week in Washington.  Some people in the know forecast a $1 billion campaign bankroll by 2016 and the Democrats are planning on controlling the White House into 2024. 

Meanwhile, back at Benghazi…

Q. What do you think of the Bradley Manning decision and how do you compare him to Edward Snowden?  (Hermann ~ Shasta Lake City, CA)
A. If you’re to believe what Snowden says, his purpose in coming out with secrets was to let the American people know what information the government is gathering on us and how they are using it; in that sense, he’s sounding the alarm and sees himself as a patriot.  Frankly, I agree with that.  Manning, on the other hand, had no good motives.  He may not have seen his leaks as going directly to help the enemy, but he wasn’t just leaking methodologies either; he leaked some pretty sensitive stuff.  Neither of them deserve any journalistic protection because they were not journalists.  Manning deserves a good, stiff sentence and Snowden deserves a standing ovation. 

Q. The Pew Research Center conducted a recent poll that reflects Americans want our government to keep its nose out of other governments’ businesses.  Do you agree?  (Georgia ~ Belen, NM)
A. Yes.  That’s why they refer to each one of our countries as “sovereign nations.”  We have no business “helping,” “aiding,” “providing assistance to,” “directing,” “coercing,” or otherwise interfering with any government unless they ask us to or the U.N. passes a resolution asking us to.    

Q. I just read that police killed a 95-year-old man who was a resident of an assisted-living facility near Chicago.  He was tasered and shot with bean bags and died the next day of internal bleeding from blunt force trauma from the bean bags.  This man was obviously out-powered by police; this is a killing that should never have happened.  Why isn’t it being made into a major story like Trayvon Martin?  (York ~ Helena, MT)
A. Probably because he was not black and served no political or racial purpose for Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Barry Obama.  I'm also going to venture a guess that the police officers are black.   

“After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.” ~ William S. Burroughs


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