Sunday, July 28, 2013


The President and his minions are flocking across the country and the airwaves proclaiming the recent problems of the White House as being “phony scandals” designed by the Republican Party to distract from the more important much more needed solutions of Washington, such as jobs and the economy.  

Arguably, the correct scenario is that the IRS’ illegal refusal to issue tax exempt status to 501 (c) 4 caused those organizations to be less effective in the 2012 elections and thereby contributed to Obama’s win.  Arguably, the Justice Department’s illegal gathering of information on the Associated Press and other journalistic organizations, (who knows whether or not that includes monitoring of GOP Campaign officers and offices), contributed inside information to the Democrats and Obama’s win.  Arguably, you can say the same for the NSA data center.  Arguably, and this is a major, major point, had we known what went down at the Benghazi Massacre, (and we still don’t over ten months later), the election would have gone to Romney. Arguably, therefore, the November 2012 Presidential Election is the REAL phony cow in the room.  Wanna’ sit down in the Rose Garden and discuss this over a beer, Barry old chap? 

Q. Whatever happened with all of those homes we bailed out from foreclosure?  Since the Administration isn’t jumping up and down with glee and pointing to success, I figure something went badly wrong?  (Olga ~ Minnetonka, MN)
A. There were 1.2 million home loans bailed out.  Of those, more than 306,000 are in foreclosure again with 88,000 more about to get there.  The re-defaults have cost taxpayers some $815 million, according to SIGTARP. So far, the Treasury Department has allocated $19.1 billion to HAMP, and $4.4 billion has been spent. The program was recently extended for another two years, until the end of 2015.  I wonder if we can foreclose on the White House? 

Q. I just learned that most of the 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition ordered by the Department of Homeland Security for “training purposes” are hollow-point bullets designed to kill.  What in the hell is going on?  (Luther ~ Santa Clara, CA)
A. Evidently, they either plan on killing someone or they don’t want you to have the ammunition to kill someone.  In Obama’s eyes, there’s more than one route to gun control; if you can’t control gun ownership, control the supply of ammunition.  There is a law that ammunition manufacturers have to honor government requisitions before civilian purchases, for obvious military reasons.  They currently have enough ammo on hand to last them through two or three world wars. 

Q. Back when they had the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010, Halliburton was blamed for creating a bad blow-out prevention system.  Whatever happened with that?  (Horatio ~ Nogales, AZ)
A. For some strange reason, all of the records regarding the cement work on that well were inadvertently lost or destroyed.  After a whole lot of screaming and yelling, Halliburton has agreed to plead guilty to destroying those files and is paying a hefty fine.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could have the prosecutors working that case go after the Fast & Furious or the Benghazi Massacre story? 

“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” ~ Mark Twain


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