Thursday, July 18, 2013


The New York Times has reported that the Obama Administration over the Independence Day holiday quietly awarded “a contract worth as much as $1.2 billion” to Serco, a British company, to help develop the federal insurance exchange.  Serco is one of two companies under investigation by British authorities for over-billing government contracts.

On Monday, July 8th, I posted on MY AMERICAN OPINION my position that we should conduct an audit of ObamaCare.  This is one of the reasons.  ObamaCare is new and under little scrutiny; I do not believe there is an Inspector General involved with the program.  With all of the dirt and corruption in other Washington agencies right now, I can’t help but believe that abuse of the taxpayer dollar is rampant within DHHS. 

Q. What’s with all of the shakeup in the lineup at FOX NEWS?  (Leon ~ Moscow, ID)
A. My guess is that Fox News ratings are slumping, probably due to healthy competition from THE BLAZE, and they’re doing what any good business would do in trying to protect their ratings and their advertising revenues.  Should they keep O’Reilly?  They will, of course, but they should let him expand his show to two hours and put him on at 3:00 AM. 

Q. What has happened to all of the scandals we were being bombarded with?  Did they disappear?  (Kevin ~ Fort Worth, TX)
A. No way.  Things will start heating up on the I.R.S. story today.  That should get things moving again.   Congress has been interviewing witnesses and conducting investigations.   

Q. How do you feel about Liz Cheney running for Senator from Wyoming?  (Hannah ~ Lander, WY)
A. Good for her.  She espouses many of my beliefs and I think she’ll be successful.  If Palin also wins the Senate seat from Alaska, the two could be instrumental in some needed changes in the Republican Party.  

“The source known as Deep Throat provided a kind of road map through the scandal. His one consistent message was that the Watergate burglary was just the tip of the iceberg.” ~ Bob Woodward


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