Thursday, July 25, 2013


FOX NEWS is reporting that The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a division of the Department of Energy, (DOE), allegedly violated DOE hiring guidelines in a manner that was to a disadvantage of military veterans, according to a scathing IG report.  Following this report, the deputy secretary of energy issued a gag order that subordinates could not talk to anyone, including Congressional investigators, about the allegations.  BPA employees who cooperated with the IG’s investigation were fired, suspended or disciplined in other ways. 


Just when you thought the news about Obama Administration scandals couldn’t get any worse, now we hear about an agency that targeted veterans, the guys who keep us free.  WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?  WHERE IS THE CRY TO PUT AN END TO THESE UNAMERICAN / ANTI-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES? 


Q. I just got laid off for the fourth time in three years.  Things are really tight for us; it seems like we just get back on our feet and I lose my job and downhill we go again.  My husband and I had a long talk last night and he thinks I should stay off of work and get active in doing something political to help create change from the way things are going.  Where do I start?  (Midge ~Yerington, NV)
A. You’re living in what was once the political capital of Nevada; there may have been the population centers of Reno and Vegas, but Yerington controlled Nevada politics.  There were some really great American politicians who came out of that town, and some of them are still around.  Start by exploring the Internet.  Check out The Heritage Foundation; that’s where you should start because they provide a good basic reading into the issues of the day.  You can meander around the various Tea Parties if you want, but I think your time would be better spent checking out the top ten conservative advocacy groups.  This process should give you a feel as to where you might best fit.  Start attending some local city council or Lyon County Commissioner meetings; it won’t take you long to start networking in the direction you feel you need to head.  Good luck and God Bless You!

Q. Is there anything more about the family that was rescued by George Zimmerman?  (Cleo ~ Suisun, CA)
A. Believe it or not, they’ve been forced into hiding for fear of being harmed by those who hate Zimmerman.  Mark and Dana Michelle Gerstle “are very grateful to Zimmerman for what he did, but they do not want to get involved,” a family friend says.  I don’t know about you, but I’m just about ready to tell these idiots to go ahead and bring it on. 

Q. What in the Sam Hell is this about military chaplains for atheists?  (Carlos ~ El Paso, TX)
A. Jason Torpy, president of the Military Association of Atheists and Free Thinkers, claims that 23 percent of those in the military ranks assert no religious preference. He argues traditional chaplains are not providing enough "positive outreach and support" in the way "they do for all of those beliefs that aren't their own." I always thought that atheists didn’t need anything from anybody, since they claim to have all of the answers in life. 


“An atheist is a man who watches a Notre Dame - Southern Methodist University game and doesn't care who wins.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower


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