Friday, June 8, 2012


Eric Holder spent the day testifying in one of the most extensive evasion of direct questions since Bill Clinton’s famous “That depends on what your definition of is, is,” testimony.  Holder said the Justice Department has cooperated fully with congressional investigators and turned over 7,600 pages of material to Congress about the operation.  But Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee fired back with, "Look, I don't want to hear about the 7,600." He went on to say that wiretap applications in Operation Fast and Furious indicate that a number of key individuals at the Justice Department were responsible for the operation.  Holder denied the accusations, but is under the prospect of a contempt citation in the works from the House. 

What would you call him?  The artful dodger or the lying s.o.b.? 

Q. Why do you only discuss the crappy things in the world today?  Don’t you ever want to talk about the good things?  (Flo ~ Kansas City, MO)
A. The country and the world are in a horrible mess.  We are under the control of socialists and Marxists who couldn’t lead a flea off a dog’s butt, let alone lead a country out of trouble.  There’s not much good news to go around, but I didn’t hesitate to cheer Scott Walker for his landslide victory in Wisconsin.  That was good news indeed. 

Q. I’ve always suspected that the jobs statistics we get are phony.  You’ve also brought that up on more than one occasion.  Doesn’t the Obama Administration realize that we know what they’re doing to us?  (Will ~ Colorado Springs, CO)
A. Yes, and they’re doing something about it.  Starting immediately, the Labor Department will limit the amount of information it releases to the public.  They say it will “eliminate confusion” and streamline the process.  I'm not kidding here.   I keep telling you: This President is only one election away from becoming a true dictator.    

Q.  Is the Catholic Church still ticked off at Obama’s belligerent attack on religious freedom? (Boris ~ Newport Beach, CA)
A. U.S. Catholic bishops are readying American Catholics for what may be the largest campaign of civil disobedience since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s.  In addition to 12 lawsuits against the Obama Administration, including 46 plaintiffs from dioceses, hospitals and universities, the bishops will urge Catholics to openly defy the Obama HHS Mandate. I’m not Catholic, but I stand with them; Obama can take his arrogant remarks about Americans clinging on to their guns and Bibles and shove it.  I’m for adamantly and openly pushing back against the oppression. 

“But the good news is that out in the countryside, just about every place that's got a zip code has somebody or some group of people battling the economic and political exclusion that Wall Street and Washington are shoving down our throats. ~ Jim Hightower


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