Sunday, June 10, 2012


Recent accusations that the White House has deliberately leaked classified national security information that is flattering to Obama in this election year got Obama’s back up Friday.  In a surly diatribe, he said, "The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive.  It's wrong."  He then had Eric Holder appoint two special prosecutors to investigate the matter. 

In listening to him, he sounded overly defiant in his denial.  Having Holder oversee the investigation is like having the fox guard the chicken coop.  Holder is mired in his own defiance of Congress in an obvious cover-up of Fast and Furious which also has implications of White House involvement.  There should be transparent independence assigned to the Special Prosecutor; this position should have been named by a bi-partisan Congressional committee. 

Q. Should Eric Holder be held in contempt of Congress for his refusal to cooperate with the investigation into Fast and Furious?  (Jon ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. They’ve been trying for over a year to get internal Justice Department documents and employee testimony regarding the event.  Holder sniped last week that he had given 7,600 documents and indicated that was all Congress was going to get.  The estimate is 140,000 documents and emails have been created; further, a substantial portion of the 7,600 has been redacted.  Holder has something to hide and doesn’t want it to ooze out until after the elections.  Yes, he should be held in contempt and removed. 

Q. Since day one, the Internet has been under the control of the United States.  Now, there is a move afoot to transfer control to the United Nations and Obama doesn’t seem to be fighting it.  What do you think?  (Arturo ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. LIGNET reports that last week, officials from Google, the Federal Communications Commission and the State Department testified before Congress to warn of the dangers posed by this effort.  They expressed their fear that an upcoming UN conference in Dubai could be a game-changer with terrible consequences for the independence of the Internet. Can you imagine how the U.N. would handle the security of cyberspace? 

Q. I cannot believe that someone would abort a fetus simply because of the unborn’s sex.  How sick can this society get?  (Gwen ~ Redding, CA)
A. There are those ugly liberals in this country who disagree with you.  Rep. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, a candidate for U.S. Senate, has defended sex-selective abortions and criticized Senate Republicans for opposing abortions instigated because the fetus is a girl.  Well, the woman had six abortions before she finally got the boy she wanted?  I suppose if there were twins in the womb, a boy and a girl, she would also kill the girl because she did not want the boy?  What in Hell has this country evolved to?   

“The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.” ~ Mother Teresa


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