Sunday, June 24, 2012


Obama has named several top union officials to membership on the National Labor Relations Board, (NLRB).  The International Union of Operating Engineers produced one Obama appointee; the rap sheet for members of the International Union of Operating Engineers reads “Embezzlement, wire fraud and bribery.” And, that's just scratching the surface of crimes committed by the IUOE ranks.  More than 60 IUOE members have been arrested, indicted or jailed in the last decade on charges that include labor racketeering, extortion, criminal enterprise, bodily harm and workplace sabotage. One of Obama’s picks to the NLRB was the union’s top lawyer.   

Don’t act surprised.  If you have looked into his past, how could you really have expected less?  If you check back on Tony Rezko and other major figures in Obama’s past, you’ll discover many, many ties to organized crime.   

Q. California Representative Nancy Pelosi is now calling for Obama to use an Executive Order to abolish the national debt ceiling, rather than to be confined by the debt ceiling and having to negotiate with Congress over it.  What’s your response?  (Carlton ~ Concord, CA)
A. She is one of many traitors to everything our country is about.  These are the people we must cast out from our midst. 

Q. Obama is being compared to Richard Nixon.  Why? (Felicia ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. If you doubt the parallels between them, you need look no further than the letter from Holder to Obama. The Justice Department’s letter cited U.S. v Richard Nixon, a case that limited the scope of executive confidential communications, as authority for this use of executive privilege.  Of course, Nixon’s administration also had so, so much to hide.  Frankly, so does Obama’s administration.  They are running over this country and its heritage like a bunch of bad cowboys in an old John Wayne movie.   

Q. How will the world ever legally deal with the atrocities of Syrian President Assad without war?  (Merriman ~ Hanford, CA)
A. A reported controversial plan by the United States and the United Kingdom to offer immunity from prosecution to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will probably be the only solution to end the bloodshed. It is an outrage to me that such a despot could escape unscathed because nations would not come together to deal more effectively with the situation. 

I am not a crook.” ~ Richard M. Nixon


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