Thursday, June 21, 2012


As expected, the House panel voted Wednesday in favor of holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.  Holder has not yet been formally held in contempt of Congress; the full House still needs to approve the resolution in order for that to happen. 

I guess Holder is doing “The Twist…” twisting slowly in the wind.  Scalawags and other turds of life deserve exactly that. 

Q. There have been a whole slew of U.S. agencies flagrantly wasting our money.  Now, Federal judges are heading off to Hawaii to spend $1 million.  When will this garbage stop?  We’re in deep trouble in this country.  (Sean ~ Riverside, CA)
A. They’re just following the examples set by the White House and Congress, who spend money like crazy because the Senate refuses to tie the government down with a budget.  That doesn’t make it correct. It’s a culture of mismanagement and cavalier attitudes toward Americans that has allowed these things to happen over decades.  Only we can stop it, by firing the Congressmen and White House occupants. 

Q. Is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg actually endorsing Romney?  (Alyce ~ Boise, ID)
A. No.  He did say he feels Romney would make a better President, but that he cannot endorse him because of Romney’s stands on the abortion and gun issues.  Bloomberg is the epitome of a politician; he was a lifelong Democrat who turned Republican so he could run for Mayor and win, won and then turned Independent. He’s the guy who wants to ban ice cream and soda pop.   

Q. Did I hear that Putin just appointed himself “Czar” over Russia’s energy supply?  Is he trying to emulate Obama?  (Bolo ~ Carpinteria, CA)
A. You’re a little facetious, aren’t you?  Since energy is the major sector in Russia’s economy, the move puts Putin in charge of how the economy fares.  I guess you could say it was a classic Obama move.  

“Twisting slowly, slowly in the wind.” ~ Watergate era remark regarding FBI Chief L. Patrick Gray 


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