Wednesday, June 13, 2012


At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sens. Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley said they want the Attorney General to appoint a special counsel to look into the leaks, rather than Holder's choices, U.S. Attorneys Ron Machen and Rod Rosenstein, who hold political appointments.  Holder said the two political-appointee Justice Department lawyers he put in charge of the investigation will do just fine.  (Thanks to NEWSMAX). 

I have three opinions on this answer:  Cover up.  Cover up.  Cover up. 

Q. What would be the timeline on Holder’s Contempt of Congress stuff, if it happens?  (Greta ~ Liberty – KS)
A. There is the assumption that Holder will cave in and give up documents before any Contempt citation is issued; that has historically been the case.  However, I suspect that the documents will point straight to the White House in the Fast & Furious matter and we are in an election cycle.  So, I think Holder may well continue to stonewall.  The committee hearing is June 20th, a Wednesday, so I presume two days of testimony and arguments and out of committee on Friday the 22nd to the floor of the House.  The House will want several days to handle other business; I doubt the House will hear it until July, maybe the week of the 9th.  If they start on Wednesday the 11th, have hearings and vote, it’s July 13th and they charge Holder with contempt.  But, I believe he has the opportunity for rebuttal and to show why he should not be held in contempt.   They’d have to give him 30 days to prepare, you have Congress’ summer vacation ending September 10th, and then you’d have hearings starting the 12th at the earliest.  We might have the actual Contempt decision issued on the 14th, and Holder would then appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Now, it’s on total hold until sometime next year and has no effect on the November elections. 

Q. What’s the latest about Casey Anthony?  (Theresa ~ Ogden, UT)
A. She’s been reading a book, “THE HUNGER GAMES” about killing young children, and claims she is ashamed about many of the things she has done.  She also complains about the “hell” the nation put her through.  No mention of missing Caley. 

Q. I understand that we are discontinuing “Made in America” labels.   Why?  (Denise ~ Folsom, CA)  
A. The World Trade Organization says we need to “reduce public opposition to free trade” and “re-engineer global governance.”  Approved labels will now read “Made in the World.”  Now, isn't that just so sweet?  Is this a prelude to a world government? 

As so often happens with Washington scandals, it isn't the original scandal that gets people in the most trouble - it's the attempted cover-up.” ~ Tom Petri


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