Saturday, January 21, 2012


Blaming expensive, lying and sleazy ads among other things, Rick Perry has dropped out of the Republican presidential contest. 

It is a matter of weeks or less before Santorum goes; he will probably hang around long enough to see where the Perry and Huntsman votes migrate, and I think they will end up in Gingrich’s pocket.  Paul might hang around until the bitter end in hopes of retaining some sway in the Republican convention and platform.  Effectively, however, the Romney-Gingrich scenario is now lining up and the question looms:  Will it morph into a Romney-Gingrich ticket? 

Q. I was reading that our satellite weather system is in danger of crumbling due to lack of funding.  With all of the money they are throwing around, how can that be?  (York ~ Roseville, CA)
A. It’s an old Chicago-style political trick; when the taxpayers won’t divvy up any more money, quit fixing the potholes in the streets.  The aging satellite system needs about $1 billion in new gear or our weather forecasting will suffer.  Obviously, they want you to get rained on, on a scheduled sunny day. 

Q. Why do you really think Obama wants to talk with the Iranians?  (Samantha ~ Eugene, OR)
A. China is very afraid of losing its access to Middle East oil.  They are nervous about sanctions against Iran.  The U.S. owes China one gazillion tons of money.  I think they called Obama and told him to settle his differences with Iran and avoid the sanctions.   

Q. Romney now looks like a loser more than ever before.  He was refusing to reveal his income tax information at all, then finally relented and said he would do it after the Republican Convention if he is the nominee.  He got nailed in recent Fox debates with the legitimate question, “Why don’t Republicans have a right to know about his qualifications for the office before the primaries are over?”  Now, Romney says he “might” post his returns in April.  Does he have something to hide?   
A. Obama won’t produce his birth certificate, so why should Romney produce his tax returns?  Given the politically sensitive nature of the issue, I have to surmise there is something in them that he's afraid for us to see. 

“Bad weather always looks worse through a window.” ~ Tom Lehrer


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