Wednesday, January 18, 2012


As if he recognizes his reelection might be in trouble, Obama has ordered the U.S. Border Patrol to crack down on its “Catch and Release” program that has created a revolving door of illegal immigrants coming into the country and being deported back out.  Advanced fingerprint technology is now being used to detain the illegals and they are being charged.  The word is: that factor, and the country’s worsening economy, have combined to force illegal crossings to their lowest level in 40- years. 

One more factor that has not been considered is that all of the Mexicans are already here, awaiting their amnesty.  It’s an entitlement, you know.  The only people left in Mexico are the drug cartels and Al Qaeda. 

Q. Who do you think was responsible for the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist?  (Velma ~ Birmingham, MI)
A. It could have been almost anybody in the Middle East except Syria; they are all upset with the prospect of Iran having nukes, but most of the countries there are so wrapped up with internal problems that I doubt it was them.  It could have been Israel or the United States as well.  My suspicion is… Saudi Arabia at the behest of the U.S.   

Q. With new tax laws aimed at reducing the income tax deduction for donations to charity, many organizations are suffering badly.  What do you think will happen now?  (Lynda ~ Coeur d’Alene, ID)  
A. This is deliberate; Obama wants recipients of charity to be forced into relying on the government for help, so that fewer people will be inclined to vote against him.  But, this is not the only problem charities face; national incomes are down so much that citizens have not been able to donate as much to charity, if at all.  Charities have responded by become annoyingly aggressive with their fund-raising activities.  We need to get Barry out of the White House. 

Q.  I’m sick and tired of the TSA.  I get hassled every time I fly because, I have an artificial hip. Yet, rugged looking Middle Easterners in full regalia slip right through with no trouble.  What can we do to level that playing field?  (Ernie ~ Reno, NV)
A. You could always drive to Mexico or Canada and fly from there.  I’m in the same boat, so I just quit flying altogether unless I’m going over 1,000 miles.  And, if I see sinister-looking characters getting on the same plane, I change flights.  TSA is a joke and I don’t trust them as far as I can throw Mitt Romney.   

“The TSA pat down of Kirstie Alley resulted in the discovery of a new kind of cheese.” ~ Unknown


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