Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Just as President Obama refused to allow the Canadian oil pipeline construction, The EPA is now eyeballing the North Dakota oil industry.  That state is now producing as much oil as Ecuador produces and has the lowest unemployment rate in the country, but the EPA is zeroing in on “hydraulic fracturing,” also known as “fracking,” as being a menace to the environment. 

North Dakota is using its oil revenues to repair its infrastructure, thereby employing more people.  The Obama administration seems to be bound and determined to increase our reliance on foreign oil and thereby to jack up our energy prices.  They need to be removed in November and sent back to Kenya.    

Q. After South Carolina, Mitt is now saying he’s going after Newt to expose his Speaker past and to demand more information on his dealings with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  Can that hurt Newt?  (Ann ~ Lancaster, CA)
A. I think that line of attack might backfire on Mitt.  He sounds so much like an Obama Democrat: If you can’t win the argument on its merits or your own attributes, attack the other guy.  Americans are seeing through it and they are sick and tired of it.  The plain fact of the matter is that Gingrich is the better qualified of the remaining candidates to run the country.  And who among us is so lily pure?    

Q. I see that the Supreme Court has ruled against the use of GPS devices to track the movement of suspects and criminals unless they have a court order.  I also hear that Obama was outraged at the decision.  Why?  (Burt ~ Yreka, CA)
A. Obama and Eric Holder felt they should be able to do so with impunity.  But the real hurt to them was that the decision was unanimous, meaning that even their own guys on the bench ruled against them.  That makes me wonder of Barack is going to lambast the Supremes again during this State of the Union Address.  Stay tuned…

Q. Who do you think will win the Super Bowl this year?  (Lenny ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. It won’t be the Cardinals.   

“Politics is like football; if you see daylight, go through the hole.” ~ John F. Kennedy


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