Monday, January 23, 2012


Just a little over a year ago, Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot in a bloodbath where others were killed in a terrible shopping mall shooting.  Due to the extent of her injuries, she is now forced to resign while she continues her recovery.  Left-wing liberals, most notably Nancy Pelosi, jumped on the tragedy to claim that two things caused it:  (1) guns and (2) the American Tea Parties.  The family was quick to say they did not blame guns for the event and that it was an individual act of a demonized man.  Nevertheless, the claims live on. 

In all of my years, I have never heard of a gun going off and shooting someone by itself.  I do know that violent crime goes down in areas where the percentage of individual gun ownership is high.  The Tea Parties have never been involved in violence, nor have they fostered violence such as the “Occupiers” have done.  It’s time all of the lies, half-truths and spins regarding that tragedy be put to rest.  Let us turn our thoughts and prayers to the continued recovery of Gabrielle and let those who persist in these unfounded lies rot in their own hells.    

Q. What do you think of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? (Tamara ~ Monterrey, CA)
A. She has a vindictive, mercenary, obnoxious personality.  She stretches truth beyond imagination.  She’s like a shark in a cesspool of far –left-wing liberals waiting to attack a conservative… any conservative… and sink her poisonous fangs into his unsuspecting flesh.  Outside of those few things, I like her. 

Q. Will they hang the Captain of the ill-fated cruise liner?  (Jess ~ Mountain Home, ID)
A. I don’t know why all of the emphasis is on the Captain.  The ship has a navigator, you know.  It has a pilot.  It has a first officer.  It has a communications officer.  While he does bear the ultimate responsibility, there’s no way the Captain be solely to blame.   

Q. What’s your take on all of the body parts turning up by the “Hollywood” sign?  (Amy ~ Spokane, WA)
A. Somebody’s dead.  Beyond that, the killer is someone who hated the victim passionately and with a vengeance, or a demonic psychopath.   It could even be that he was a right-wing conservative and that he was killed by a member of the press.   

“Anybody who's been through a divorce will tell you that at one point, they've thought murder. The line between thinking murder and doing murder isn't that major.” ~ Oliver Stone


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