Saturday, January 28, 2012


The left-wing media, which generally includes everyone except Fox, has been alleging that Newt Gingrich earned money by teaching a college course that was partisan as opposed to educational.  However, according to CNN, Gingrich was investigated and exonerated by the IRS. 

This charge has been repeatedly brought forth by the “mainstream media,” although they know full well that Gingrich was exonerated in 1999.  The media continues to try and pick our President where that is OUR job.  Congrats to CNN for revealing the truth; maybe there is hope for them after all.  But, the rest of the press and media have continued to spread the untruth without compunction.  I think the time is fast approaching when we need to start turning off the TV and quit reading the liberal line; we need to grow up and start thinking for ourselves, and their declining ratings will hit them in the pocketbook. 

Q. Why can’t Mexico shut down the drug cartels?  (Eugene ~ Woodland, CA)
A. Mexico is largely corrupted by the cartels at all levels of its government.   Judges and police get paid off and if they don’t go along with the program, they get shot.  The corruption has also infiltrated the military and it has come to the point that the U.S. really needs to intervene on the proactive basis of defending our country from the effects of the cartels. 

Q. Isn’t any well-known Republican willing to stand up and defend Newt, or are they all so enthralled with Romney that they don’t care?  (Chauncey ~ Sonoma, CA)
A. Bill O’Reilly recently lambasted the Republican hierarchy and insisted that Newt is, by all standards, a true conservative.  It seems, however, that the Republican hierarchy does not want a true conservative as its leader.   

Q. I am so fed up with this jackass in the White House.  I am so, so sorry that I voted for him.  How do we make sure he is not reelected?  (Lorraine ~ Aberdeen, WA)
A. It’s not just a matter of voting against him in November; it’s a matter of letting your views be known to your friends, neighbors and co-workers.  We do need to take back our country and we need to stand together and get the job done.  This is not the time to be bashful.   

“A jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build one.” ~ Sam Rayburn


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