Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Mitt Romney failed to list 26 accounts on his public disclosure when he filed for the Presidency, accounts that were included on his 2010 tax return.

Romney has claimed he was unaware of those accounts, but evidence reflects the contrary and this issue is causing a new thorn in his side in Florida.  And he has tried to deflect questions on the subject by suggesting that we should pay attention to today’s issues and not the financial history of political candidates.  The real question here is why is he hiding his money in foreign banks?  What games are he playing?  Honest and patriotic Americans with money would, you might think, keep their money invested in the American banking system.  Now, that’s a point to ponder. 

Q. I am so sick and tired of calls from the Republican politicians, the National Republican Party, the National Republican Congressional Committee… you name it.  For one thing, the damned Republicans have done a horrible disservice to this country, even after the 2010 elections; why should I give a dime to them until the change their ways?  I’ve asked them to quit calling, but the phone calls are incessant.  What can I do?  (Magdalena ~ Vancouver, WA)
A. Tell them you give all of your money to Newt.  They’ll get angry and hang up. 

Q.  I have heard people say that, if Obama gets reelected there will be anarchy in this country.  What’s your opinion?  (Travis ~ Sacramento, CA)
A.  I’m not buying all of these guns just because I like to spend money. 

Q. With all of the political noise and the noise coming from North Korea and Iran, we haven’t a word about how things are going in Iraq.  Why?  (Anita ~ Reno, NV)
A. Obama doesn’t want you to know what is going on there, because you may not vote for him.  But, here are the facts:  Barely a month after we totally pulled out, the violence there is so bad that the country is on the verge of anarchy.  The Sunni and Shiite factions are almost openly bombing each other.  These enemies share power in the Iraqi government, which has now come to a virtual impotent standstill.  Things are definitely not looking good and, in fact, another Hussein could be looming in Iran’s future.   

“Banks have a new image. Now you have 'a friend,' your friendly banker. If the banks are so friendly, how come they chain down the pens?” ~ Alan King


Monday, January 30, 2012


REUTERS is reporting that British police arrested four current and former staff of Rupert Murdoch's SUN tabloid plus a policeman on Saturday as part of an investigation into suspected payments by journalists to officers, police and others.  They also searched the paper's London offices at publisher News International, News Corp's British arm, in a corruption probe linked to a continuing investigation of alleged phone hacking.  News Corp is the parent company of Fox News, Fox Business News, and several Fox networks. 

This whole affair has been ongoing for several months.  Given Obama’s seething hatred of Fox News, it is entirely probable that the U.S. has been pushing the ongoing investigations; Obama’s cronies in Washington have been seeking to force Fox News off the air, which would put every media outlet in the country in the total control of the Marxist presidency.  News Corp did close one tabloid publication last year as the original story broke.   

Q. Goldman Sachs backed Obama in the 2008 race, took bailout money and allowed many of its top executives to migrate to powerful White House positions after the inauguration.  Goldman Sachs is now backing Romney.  What do you make of all of this?  (Tyra ~ Glendale, CA)
A. I think Romney is in their pocket. 

Q. Sarah Palin has come out in strong support of Newt Gingrich, although she has not endorsed him.  She says that he is being crucified by the Republican establishment and allies of Mitt Romney who are trying attempting to change the facts about Newt’s past.  Why are they pulling these tricks to try and get Romney elected?  (Vinnie ~ Twin Falls, ID)
A. Romney is a self-described Progressive.  The Progressives are afraid Obama may not get reelected and they want someone in the Oval Office who will continue their objectives or, at least, not undo what has already been done.   

Q. The Pentagon is preparing to send a large floating base to be used by commando teams in the Middle East as tensions rise with Iran, al-Qaeda in Yemen and Somali pirates.  Does this mean we might try and go into Iran and neutralize its nuclear weapons program?  (Kevin ~ Redding, CA)
A. I do not think a preemptive strike by the U.S. against Iran is in Obama’s field of vision.  I think they have in mind dealing with “other” issues.   

“When we talk about fighting for our country, we're talking about our vote, our vote is our arms.” ~ Sarah Palin


Sunday, January 29, 2012


The newly reformed National Labor Relations Board is wasting no time in imprinting Obama’s Marxist ideologies on America’s labor force.  Obama made three “recess” appointments to the board of people who are owned and controlled by big labor. 

This illegal maneuver puts the board in a position to impose drastic measures on the labor force.  For example, it is now requiring all businesses to provide unions with a complete listing of employees, addresses and telephone numbers; it is reserving the right to organize departments in companies that vote against unionization; it will soon eliminate the secret ballot, so they know how everyone votes.  It is obvious that they intend to unionize every business in the country, both large and small, and the NLRB is going to see to it that they are successful.  Foreign investment will be scared away and American business will be more inclined to move their employees to another country.  This all smacks of the mandate in Health Care, and if Obama is reelected you can bet your sweet bippees that it’s going to get a whole lot worse. 

Q. You say that Romney is “progressive” and would enlarge government, not shrink it.  What proof do you have of that?  (Marilyn ~ Fresno, CA)
A. Look at his track record in Massachusetts and, after you’re finished doing that, ask yourself why he ordered all emails of his administration to be destroyed as his final act of office.  Ask yourself how anyone could be elected Governor of that state unless they were very left of center on the political spectrum.  Sure, he is better looking than Gingrich, but if that’s your criteria, remember that looks and smooth talk got Obama elected. 

Q. I went to the grocery store the other day and bought some Bar S Thick Sliced Bacon that was sliced so thin, it was thinner than my bedroom sheets!  How do companies get away with this false and misleading labeling?  (Kerrie ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. As long as you keep buying it, they’ll keep doing it.  Same thing with Northern tissue that’s now so narrow you use twice as much to do the job.  There are countless examples of how major businesses are screwing consumers and getting away with it.  But, I don’t want more government regulation; let the buying power of Americans solve the problem. 

Q. I know that they are saying Iran will definitely have nuclear weapons this year.  Do you think any talks with them could possibly be productive in getting them to stop their program?  (Harold ~ Salem, OR)
A. Absolutely not.  Anyone who has studied the Iranian history will realize that they have not built this program so ambitiously to allow anyone to stop it, peacefully or otherwise.  The only thing talk will produce is additional time on their part… dangerous time for the free world.    

“Like sex in Victorian England, the reality of Big Business today is our big dirty secret.” ~ Ralph Nader


Saturday, January 28, 2012


The left-wing media, which generally includes everyone except Fox, has been alleging that Newt Gingrich earned money by teaching a college course that was partisan as opposed to educational.  However, according to CNN, Gingrich was investigated and exonerated by the IRS. 

This charge has been repeatedly brought forth by the “mainstream media,” although they know full well that Gingrich was exonerated in 1999.  The media continues to try and pick our President where that is OUR job.  Congrats to CNN for revealing the truth; maybe there is hope for them after all.  But, the rest of the press and media have continued to spread the untruth without compunction.  I think the time is fast approaching when we need to start turning off the TV and quit reading the liberal line; we need to grow up and start thinking for ourselves, and their declining ratings will hit them in the pocketbook. 

Q. Why can’t Mexico shut down the drug cartels?  (Eugene ~ Woodland, CA)
A. Mexico is largely corrupted by the cartels at all levels of its government.   Judges and police get paid off and if they don’t go along with the program, they get shot.  The corruption has also infiltrated the military and it has come to the point that the U.S. really needs to intervene on the proactive basis of defending our country from the effects of the cartels. 

Q. Isn’t any well-known Republican willing to stand up and defend Newt, or are they all so enthralled with Romney that they don’t care?  (Chauncey ~ Sonoma, CA)
A. Bill O’Reilly recently lambasted the Republican hierarchy and insisted that Newt is, by all standards, a true conservative.  It seems, however, that the Republican hierarchy does not want a true conservative as its leader.   

Q. I am so fed up with this jackass in the White House.  I am so, so sorry that I voted for him.  How do we make sure he is not reelected?  (Lorraine ~ Aberdeen, WA)
A. It’s not just a matter of voting against him in November; it’s a matter of letting your views be known to your friends, neighbors and co-workers.  We do need to take back our country and we need to stand together and get the job done.  This is not the time to be bashful.   

“A jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build one.” ~ Sam Rayburn


Friday, January 27, 2012


There they were on the tarmac, Brewer with her finger jabbing Obama in the chest and Obama dressing down Brewer in public.  It made national news, and Obama yesterday tried to play it down by saying it was “no big deal.” 

We’re all aware that there is no love lost between the two.  Obama despises her for standing up to his totally inadequate immigration policy; Brewer despises him for not following the law.  Brewer wrote disparaging remarks about him in a recent book, and those remarks caused Obama to lash out at her on the Arizona tarmac.  Well, that was neither the time nor the place to let Brewer have it, and the fact that he did shows a total lack of respect for her as a Governor and lack of control as a President.  More than that, it goes to the heart of his feelings toward anyone who does not agree with him, and his is indeed a childish, immature position to hold. 

Q. Just why is it that you are so solidly against Mitt Romney?  (Cassie ~ Las Vegas, NM)
A. By his own admission, Mitt is a “Progressive.”  Progressives believe in bigger government and more control over individual liberties.  So, if Mitt wins the nomination and the election against Obama, we will continue on Obama’s path, albeit at a slower pace.  But, you know the story about the hare and the tortoise. 

Q. So, are we going to talk with Iran again and let them stall us one more time, or not?  (Bob ~ Montgomery Creek, CA)
A. Since the word was leaked over a week ago that Barry wants to talk with Mahmoud, and since Barry has the Nobel Peace Prize sitting on the White House mantel, the answer is written in the wind.   

Q. Why doesn’t someone new step into the race for the Republican nomination?  It seems to be a shambles so far.  (Hal ~ Cloverdale, CA)
A. It’s too late to get into a lot of primaries.  Anyone who wants to toss their hat into the ring now understands they would have to do it as an independent and that would guarantee Obama’s win by splitting the vote. Sorry; it doesn’t look like Donald Duck is going to be in the race.    

Therefore, if we are a Nation of laws and a Nation of immigrants, immigration should occur within a legal framework, not through the machinations of illegal schemes and scams that threaten our national security. ~ J. D. Hayworth

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Another failure of finance ministers who met in Brussels this week to reach accord with Greece to restructure its finances now convinces most top economic advisers that Greece will fail to meet in March 20th bond payments and thereby be in default. 

This probability will cause severe economic repercussions among European Union nations and most certainly will have negative impacts on the already fragile economy of the United States. 

Q. I heard yesterday that Mitt Romney owns stock in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and he’s been lambasting Gingrich for working for them as a consultant.  Isn’t this hypocritical?  (Zulu ~ Houston, TX)
A. Yes, but it’s not the first time a politician has been proven to be hypocritical.  Romney immediately stated that his stocks are in a blind trust and he didn’t even know he owned those stocks.  If you believe that, you believe Obama when he says he’s going to tackle the jobs issue.  In fact, it is alleged that some of Romney’s top aides were lobbyists for both firms, and that certainly looks like a conflict of interest to me. 

Q. Nancy Pelosi says she has “secret documents” that would end Gingrich’s campaign.  Why doesn’t she release them?  (Cole ~ Yakima, WA)
A. Because she doesn’t have them.  She has no love for Gingrich and would not hesitate to release them if she had them.  She is often like a canary… all mouth and no ass.   

Q. The Obama Administration is demanding that religious organizations, including the Catholic Church, provide employees health insurance that includes contraceptives.  Of course, contraception is against the Catholic religion.  Where do they get the guts to interfere in religious matters?  (Theodore ~ Daly City, CA)
A. Obama had never shown any compunction about giving religious organizations and gun owners a hard time.  He doesn’t care what Catholics think or what they try and do about it.  He is the high potentate of Pennsylvania Avenue, and you should not forget that.   

“I want to tell you a terrific story about oral contraception. I asked this girl to sleep with me and she said 'No.'” ~ Woody Allen