Friday, April 29, 2016


"I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."  When former House Speaker John Boehner spoke at Stanford University yesterday, he referred to Ted Cruz as “Lucifer in the flesh.”  Although Cruz served as Boehner’s attorney prior to becoming a U.S. Senator, Cruz claims he barely knows Boehner and only met him three times. 

Well, I have to say that I have little or no respect for Boehner.  We do, however, seem to agree regarding Ted Cruz. 
Q. What do you have to say about Ted Cruz picking Carly Fiorina as his running mate?  (Atchley ~ San Ramon, CA)
A. It’s fishy, as in flounder. 

Q. I hear that Trump has two million more voters already than either Romney or McCain got in their campaigns.  Yet, they’re trying to tell him what he can and cannot do?  (Morgan ~ Aberdeen, WA)
A. That’s the hypocrisy of the Republican “establishment.” 

Q. Doesn’t Target realize what dangers they have thrust upon the unsuspecting American public with their new restroom policy?  (Ivy ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Of course they do.  They have a sign in their restrooms which reads: "Attention Ladies: Target Corp. has publicly announced that MEN may now use the Women’s restroom, (and vice versa), no questions asked.  Please be cautions *Report suspected hidden cameras, *Report loitering or peeping individuals.  And especially Use your good judgment about sending children or teens to the restroom alone.”  Obviously, they are trying to avoid any legal liability when some pervert inevitably does his/her dirty deed. How sick can you get?

“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt


Thursday, April 28, 2016


“The Obama State Department last week admitted it withheld a key Benghazi email of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Judicial Watch since at least September 2014.  If the State Department disclosed the email when first supposedly found, Clinton’s email server and her hidden emails would have been disclosed nearly two years ago, before Clinton authorized the alleged deletion of tens of thousands emails,” according to a report on CONSERVATIVEBYTE.COM.  A search declaration suggests the hidden email was found in September 2014 as a result of a search in response to Judicial Watch’s lawsuit.

Why isn’t somebody in jail, Barack? 
Q. Ted Cruz is vetting Carli Fiorina for VP?  When he can’t even win the nomination on the first ballot?  When he got shellacked Tuesday night?  (Sol ~ Beverly Hills, CA)
A. The moves he’s made in the last few days underscore that old adage, “Desperate people do desperate things.”  He should try a mixture of herbal tea and Ex-Lax. 

Q. Do I understand this correctly: children of refugees and illegal immigrants get taken care of by our government better than American-born children of the poor?  (Melissa ~ Bellevue, WA)
A. That’s correct according to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER.    So, what’s the problem? 

Q. I read scientists have discovered a flash of bright, white light at the precise moment a human sperm enters a female egg.  Doesn’t that further lend credence to the existence of God?  (Christopher ~ Chicago, IL)
A. No.  Scientists believe that at that exact moment and for only a brief second, a strong LED flashlight used by the sperm in search of the egg becomes visible to the naked eye.  Actually, they theorize that an explosion occurs when calcium interacts with zinc at the instant of contact. 

“God ceases to be God only for those who can admit the possibility of His non-existence, and that conception is in itself the most severe punishment they can suffer.” ~ Giacomo Casanova


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


The entire police force, all four of them, has resigned in the Colorado town of Green Mountain Falls. 

Jane Newberry, the new Mayor, said it is normal for some key people to quit when a new Mayor comes to town; “It’s election year politics.”  No big deal then, right?  Hmmmm; I wonder if the guy who runs the sewer plant also quit. 
Q. A man is charged with taking videos in an Indiana college women’s shower.  Reaction?  (Shanna ~ Fremont, CA)
A. The Indiana University student was in the women’s restroom legally, I would presume.  Then, how can they keep him from using his cell phone or video camera? 

Q. I’m angry that they’re going to allow felons to vote in Maryland.  Shouldn't that be against federal law?  (Irving ~ Medford, OR)
A. And I suppose they’re going to get a prison pass so they can go to the polls and vote? 

Q. Hillary says her cabinet will be 50% women.  Do you have any idea who she might pick?  (Li ~ Portland, OR)
A. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer for starters. 

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” ~ William Congreve


Tuesday, April 26, 2016


The whole country is heading for storm shelters: two vicious desperadoes…  Big Bad John and Teddy the Termite…are coming to town, and they mean business.  Get ready to saddle up, fellahs; today’s going to be the big showdown at the Primary Corral.  The only problem, I think, is that now they’re shooting blanks.    

Who would ever want to cast a vote for someone who has already admitted he can’t win?    
Q. How do you feel about the appeals court decision suspending Tom Brady for four games?  (Buck ~ Acampo, CA)
A. I’m deflated. 

Q. There’s a former Senator, Harris Wofford from Pennsylvania who is 90 years old and who was married to wife Claire for 48 years, who’s just announced that he’s getting married again… this time to a 40-year-old male.  What’s your response to this story?  (Chari ~ Walnut Creek, CA)
A. I just can’t understand why these things keep making the news.  And mum is the word about the two North Korean satellites that could bring down the United States computer and electrical grid with an EMP? 

Q. So, California is on the verge of passing ten more gun-control bills?  (Tyler ~ Sausalito, CA)
A. It’s interesting to note that not one of those bills… not one… has any impact whatsoever on the criminal use of a gun.  The agenda is therefore clear, isn’t it? 

“We can’t lose.” ~ Ted Cruz, after announcing that he and Kasich are uniting. 


Monday, April 25, 2016


Staffers at the Veterans Administration have been caught shredding documents pertaining to veteran benefit claims.  The VA Office of Inspector General conducted a surprise audit at 10 regional offices on July 20, 2015, after an investigation into inappropriate shredding in Los Angeles found that staff there was destroying veterans' mail related to claims, according to an OIG report released Thursday. 

That was over nine months ago and our “transparent” government is just now releasing the information.  Obviously, thugs are in charge of our government. 
Q. First, Donald Trump got sandbagged by Megyn Kelly on the FOX NEWS debates.  Then we heard from Marco Rubio that he had FOX NEWS in the palm of his hand, which ticked FOX off to no end.  Now Cruz has lambasted both Sean Hannity and FOX NEWS.  What’s going on at FOX NEWS anyway?  (Pauline ~ Carson City, NV)
A. It almost sounds like George Soros has convinced Rupert Murdoch to dish the Republican candidates, doesn’t it?  One thing is for certain: FOX is not the reliable bastion of good broadcast journalism that it was 18 months ago. 

Q. With United Health Care pulling out of the ObamaCare exchanges, I wonder what the effect will be on healthcare premiums next year.  (Bernice ~ Ridgecrest, CA)
A. For that and various other reasons, look for premium increases of 50%.  They’re not going to be happy until everyone files bankruptcy. 

Q. Does Obama really believe that there should be no world borders?  (Ken ~ Burney, CA)
A. Yes.  He just congratulated Germany’s Merkel for trying to dissolve Europe’s borders and his actions on our southern border show that he doesn’t believe that border should exist, either.  He believes in a one-world government, with him in charge. 

“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society.  If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs; we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” ~ P.J. O’Rourke