Monday, January 5, 2015


According to WEASLEZIPPERS.US, Earlier [last] year, 47 inspectors general — the officials charged with fighting corruption, waste, and wrongdoing in federal agencies — sent a letter to Issa’s committee complaining that organizations ranging from the EPA to the Justice Department were impeding their investigations by withholding information — despite the fact that federal law specifically forbids withholding that information. These are not a bunch of Republican operatives trying to score a few political points: Those 47 inspectors general comprise more than half of all such officials, and many who signed the letter were appointed by President Barack Obama. Their complaint is that the federal agencies treat them more or less like they do . . . members of Congress: thwarting them, withholding documents, obstruction investigations.”


Obama says he has the most transparent administration in history.  Now, who are you going to believe: the president of the United States or 47 Inspectors General?  Make up your mind, Michelle. 

Q. Who is going to be in charge for processing all of the paperwork on these new “legal” illegal aliens?  (Drake ~ Portland, OR)
A. The Administration is already hiring 1,000 new employees to do the job.  And regardless of the millions of square feet of empty government-owned office space in the country. They’ve signed an $8 million lease for new offices for those workers.  By the way, you DO know your taxes went up this year, don’t you? 

Q. Things seem to warming up in the Republican Presidential bull pen.  Bush has all but announced that he’ll run and Huckabee left Fox News so he can explore the possibility of running.  Who do you think the Republicans will end up nominating?  (Leo ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. It should be way too early to make a prediction, because it should matter how the candidates poll in the primaries and who the Republican membership wants.  But, that party has allowed itself to be overtaken by a group of individuals hell-bent on running the show, and they seem to be anointing Bush and Romney.  If someone like Carson, Huckabee, Rubio or Cruz starts to poll well, the hierarchy will do everything it can to destroy them. Just look what hat they did in 2012 to engineer an unpopular Romney onto the ticket. 

Q. Michigan’s governor has just signed a new law requiring welfare recipients to pass drug tests.  How do you feel about that?  (Gregory ~ San Dimas, CA)
A. I think it is a good idea; it’ll identify drug users and serve to provide them help to get rid of their addictions, thereby allowing them to become self-sufficient.  But, such a law was recently declared unconstitutional in Florida.  I understand when people get down and out through no fault of their own and I support the taxpayer help in getting them back on their feet.  However, if they cannot work because they’re on drugs, that’s different.  I think the Florida courts erred in their decision, which is certainly the very first time Florida judges have ever made a mistake. 

“Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” ~ P.J. O’Rourke


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