Friday, May 2, 2014


The Commerce Department has reported gross domestic product grew by a dismal 0.1% in the first quarter; it’s essentially a flat line.  In the meantime, Canada’s economic sector is growing at a sound rate.  Ominously, U.S. healthcare costs have risen by almost 10% in the first quarter alone. 

Unemployment remains stagnant, but the costs of doing business are escalating.  I don’t care what you say; inflation is running rampant in the fuel and food sectors.  Obama’s economic policies suck: they and the costs of ObamaCare are to blame.  This country is in deep cow manure and nobody can smell it due to the scandals of a corrupt and lying government. I'd say we really need to get our heads out of our asses and do something. 

Q. Given the fact that they knew very early in high military circles that the Benghazi Massacre was a terrorist attack, and given the almost immediate story from Clinton and the White House that the event was a protest over the infamous video gone bad, do you think it’s possible that the Administration had advance intelligence or information that an attack was imminent and that they already had their story ready?  (Hank ~ Yorba Linda, CA)
A. If you buy into that possibility, which does exist in my mind, you’re saying that even though they knew an attack was going to happen, they had decided in advance there would be no military reaction.  The question then is: what background facts existed that they did not want to get out and were afraid might get out if there was reaction or retaliation on our part?  This is no typical scandal story; it runs much deeper than it appears on the surface... deeper perhaps than a Russian submarine lurking off the coast of the Ukraine.    

Q. The other day, Bob Schieffer on FACE THE NATION said that Mitt Romney might run again if Jeb Bush doesn’t.  Sometimes, I feel like this country’s politics are being totally manipulated by jackasses and foreign interests.  (Sal ~ Barstow, CA)
A. They are.  We truly need to get together and wrestle control of our country back to the people, where it rightfully and constitutionally belongs. 

Q. All of the ruckus over the BLM stunts has Americans up in arms.  Why aren’t they madder than hell over the EPA stuff?  (Lori ~ Boise, ID)
A. How could any agency interested in protecting the environment do anything wrong?  Well, there is a move afoot regarding the Clean Water Act.  Ostensibly, any body of water could be subject to EPA rules.  That extends to water running down ditch lines to farms and ranches, for example.  Could the EPA require federal permitting for you to mend your fence line or clean your ditches?  The fact is, if you fertilize your lawn and spray insecticides on it, some of that runs into the gutter in the street, gets collected and could end up in the water supply.  On that basis, the EPA has already seized some land for violations of pollution standards.  The next time you’re out in the woods and need to take a leak, watch out where you point that thing and keep your eyes peeled for EPA drones.   


“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you find yourself.” ~ Mark Caine


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