Thursday, May 15, 2014


FOX NEWS is reporting SERCO, a government contractor that is supposed to be processing paperwork for ObamaCare, is paying employees to sit and play games or do nothing because there is no paperwork to process.  The company has evidently been told not to lay off extra employees because it will look bad, as if the White House wants us to believe the program is working better than it actually is.  Since the company is reimbursed for all employee wages, they’ve not only been going along with the scheme, they’ve also been hiring more employees. 

Don’t worry about a thing, folks.  It’ll all stop when the country runs out of money and Putin moves in to the White House. 

Q. Now there’s another state exchange in trouble on the ObamaCare plan, Hawaii.  That makes four or five.  Why won’t they just scrap ObamaCare and come up with something else?  (Lyle ~ Garfield, TX)
A. Make note of the fact that the media establishment is not talking much about ObamaCare these days.  The White House wants only good news on the program to get out and there’s not much good news.  Obama will only scrap ObamaCare if you will let him have a third term. 

Q. What’s all of the ruckus about loosening up loan standards for the housing industry?  I think it might help kick-start the economy.  (Bruce ~ Lake Almanor, CA)
A. At the insistence of Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Charles Dodd and others, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loosened standards; that was the major factor when the economy virtually collapsed in 2008 and put us in the position we are in today.  Do we really want more of that?  There are other ways to get the economy chugging, such as approval of the Keystone Pipeline, repeal of ObamaCare, investment tax credits and lowering of tax rates.  As a matter of fact, I think the economy will roar when Obama gets out of office and the feeling of impending catastrophe and economic doom goes away.  In the meanwhile, apply for one of those great jobs with SERCO. 

Q. Do you believe Hillary Clinton has brain damage?  (Cleo ~ Sparks, NV)
A. Your question suggests that Hillary has a brain? 

“The brain is a wonderful organ.  It starts working the moment you get up and does not stop until you get into the office.” ~ Robert Frost


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