Friday, May 9, 2014


Speaking at a conference for the National Council for Behavioral Health in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton said it’s a fallacy to think that “anybody anywhere” has the right to bear arms. 

It will be interesting to see if she sticks to her guns as we go forward to the 2016 elections, if you’ll pardon the play on words. 

Q. If it is going to be a bi-partisan committee, why wouldn’t it be an even 50-50 split in membership?  (Louise ~ Milwaukee, WI)
A. There are a lot of reasons to consider.  For one, the membership of the House has a Republican majority; a fair representation of their views would provide a majority on the committee.  Similarly, when the Democrats had the majority and they were investigating Watergate, they had the majority on the House Committee.  The Democrats insisted on an even split because they want to emasculate the Committee by rendering it useless; if the Committee wants to issue subpoenas, for example, and you have six voting for and six against, you have gridlock.  If the Democrats refuse to show up if they don’t get their way, they are really wearing their agendas on their sleeves, are they not?  Now to the crux of the issue: If there truly is nothing to hide, why all of the squirming?  You’d think they must have snakes in their jeans. 

Q. The Fort Collins, Colorado V.A. Clinic has also been delaying patient care for vets and covering that fact up.  Is this going to be another major scandal for the Obama Administration, leading to the White House?  (Bernice ~ Shelton, WA)
A. If investigators follow the leads to a just and complete conclusion, I suspect they’ll discover a link to top White House officials.  Obama has made no excuse for his anti-military stance in the past.  Remember that this is the President who said early on in his first term that he wanted vets to pay for their own medical care and/or insurance.  Obama spews venom and hatred wherever he goes in his consistent efforts to divide Americans and, I believe, to overthrow our government. I’d call him a jackass, but I hold the animal in higher regard than the President. 

Q. What do you think of the Supreme Court decision stating that prayer before public meetings is Constitutional?  (Uma ~ Peoria, AZ)
A. It was a 5-4 decision, so that is a narrow victory for those who believe in starting meeting with prayers.  If Pelosi or Reid had been allowed to pick the Supreme Court, the decisions would have been different and if just one conservative Justice resigns or dies during the next three years and is replaced by an Obama nominee, you’re going to see a whole new ballgame.  The majority rule was that such prayer need not be non-sectarian.  I’m delighted with the ruling, however, and intend to celebrate with some wine and bread. 

“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use.”  ~ Galileo Galilei


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