Saturday, May 10, 2014


The State of New Hampshire has pending legislation that would limit what EBT Cards can be used for, excluding things such as booze, tobacco and guns.  The position Legislator Timothy Horrigan, (D-Durham), took this week on the Statehouse floor in Concord is that barring purchases of firearms with Electronic Benefits Transfer cards violates the Second Amendment. 

Well, you should know by now that I am a strong advocate of Second Amendment rights.  However, the funds were originally intended for the purchase of food; remember food stamps?  If the government gives money, it has every right to limit what the money can be used for.  This guy is such a dimwit, he should run for President.  Then again, he’s from New Hampshire…

Q. Do you think we’ll find the smoking gun in the emails that the I.R.S. is finally releasing? (Jay ~ Rancho Santa Fe, California)
A. First of all, I will be totally surprised if the 8,000+ emails being released actually include all of the emails that exist.  I also expect to see a significant number of redactions.  No one, repeat… NO ONE… in Obama’s Administration is going to fully comply with any Congressional or Court order on ANY subject.  The words “honesty” and “ethics” are not in their vocabulary.  They have a dictionary of their own, where “transparent” means “opaque,” and where “trust me” means “bend over.” 

Q. Where do you stand on the EPA porn scandal?  (Quint ~ Helena, MT)
A. We should expect EPA employees to be watching porn.  After all, isn’t their job all about screwing the public?  By watching porn, they learn how to screw better, harder and longer.  After watching six hours a day, five days a week of porn for ten years, they’ll be fully qualified to become BLM agents.  After ten years with the BLM, they’ll be fully qualified to become a Congressman or a Senator, but you do have to start all of this by learning the ropes, or handcuffs as the case may be. 

Q. Now that the FBI is investigating what happened at Bunkerville and the Bundy Ranch, what do you think the outcome will be?  (Rodney ~ Fallon, NV)
A. Don’t get all excited, as if justice is finally going to be done.  Remember that the FBI is under control of the Department of Justice and Attorney General Eric Holder.  Initial reports from the field are that the FBI is less interested in finding out if the BLM started pointing weapons which precipitated an armed showdown with Bundy’s supporters, than they are of getting pictures and videos of Bundy supporters holding weapons so that some arrests can be made.  I mean, if you donated $10 to the Tea Parties and now you’re among the thousands of others who also did and who are getting IRS audits, you understand that Bundy supporters are likely to end up at Guantanamo.  Remember, Reid called them “domestic terrorists.”  This American Gestapo stuff is getting to me. 

“Neither an ax or a donkey is able to stop the progress of socialism.” ~ Erich Honecker


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