Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Remember the sudden big jump in the number of ObamaCare enrollees at the end of March?  Suddenly, we went from 3 million, to 4 and then to 8 million “sign ups?”  Here’s something you weren’t told: Prisons across the country are moving the costs of medical care for inmates to… ObamaCare.  There are an estimated 7 million people in prisons across the country. 
Are the ObamaCare signup numbers another one of Obama’s continuing deceptions and lies? 

Q. Why haven’t we ever demanded a legitimate birth certificate on Obama? (Rory ~ Danville, CA)
A. Ask the Democrats in the Senate.  That’s one of many reasons why they need to be voted out in November. 

Q. If the Republicans manage to get the Senate back, don’t they still have to get the President to sign their legislation? (Irving ~ Belen, NM)
A. Yes, and if the President vetoes, they need a 2/3 majority in both Houses of Congress to override the veto.  So, ideally you should have 67 or more Republicans, Liberty Party or Independents in the Senate.  You can have a simple majority of 51 and not be able to accomplish any more than they can now.  What a mess we’ve gotten ourselves into. 

Q. What’s all of this about the press and media not liking Hillary?  I never heard that before.  (Lilly ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. Hillary has a mean, nasty streak in her and no love for the press.  However, this is the first I’ve heard of the idea that the press might crucify her.  Can you image our press and media actually asking a liberal President a serious question?  Neither can I. Maybe they're really hoping the country will feel sorry for her, the poor persecuted woman. 

“You know, people make a lot of money talking about me, don’t they?” ~ Hillary Clinton

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Not a video; a memo about V.A. Scandal.  Note the date.)

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