Saturday, May 24, 2014


Hot on the heels of Chipotle’s announcement that it didn’t want anyone carrying guns into their outlets, concealed or not, licensed or not, Chili’s is now mulling the same move. 

They say it’s in the interest of safety and comfort of their guests.  When is the last time a licensed concealed carry gunman shot off a round in any restaurant injuring anyone but a bad guy?  If I’m a thug or I want to shoot someone and make a name for myself, the last place I’m going is a place where occupants might be toting guns; the first place I’ll go is where guns are banned.  And if you look at the mass shootings that have occurred, every last one of them occurred where no one else had a gun except the shooter.  If I want to feel safe, I sure as hell am not going into Chipotle’s or any other restaurant where I cannot carry my licensed concealed carry cannon.  I think there are about 90 million gun owners in America who agree with me.  That's why I eat at Winchesters.  Read below.

Q. The other day, we heard about hackers breaking into a utility computerized control system.  We really need to be concerned about this because we cannot operate this country without electricity.  What are we doing about it?  (Giles ~ Reno, NV)
A. That must be why Janet Napolitano ordered 2 billion rounds of ammo… so she could shoot those cyber crooks, wherever they are.  So far, I think the only thing we’re doing about it is giving lip service.  But, Obama will fix it, just like he’s “fixed” everything else in this country.  Sleep well tonight. 

Q. I read an opinion article about what a great Surgeon General or Director of Health and Human Services Dr. Ben Carson would make in some president’s cabinet.  Do you agree?  (Shayna ~ Leawood, KS)
A. Well, of course I agree.  But, whoever said that was, I think, planting the thought because they don’t want Carson to run for President.  In other words, it’s probably either a Republican hierarchy or Democrat National Committee ploy.  Everyone wants Hillary to be “greased in.”  But, with her extra-thick glasses, I can’t imagine how she can see to sign her official running documents. 

Q. There's a restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, that bans guns. They had a nasty robbery last week.  What happened?   (Bonnie ~ Boise, ID)
A. According to the local ABC-TV affiliate Channel 11, "just before 9 p.m. Sunday, three men wearing hoodies entered the restaurant through the back doors with pistols, and forced several staff members to lie on the floor.  The bandits assaulted two employees during the crime, but they were not seriously injured."  I guess they figured it was "easy pickings."  They obviously were correct, which makes my point above.  Gosh, I wonder if their guns were registered? 

“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” ~ Albert Einstein


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