Saturday, May 31, 2014


PERSONAL LIBERTY DIGEST reports a California widow named Norma Montano has filed a Federal lawsuit alleging that the Loma Linda VA Police Department killed her husband when he grew tired of waiting for treatment on May 25, 2011.  According to the lawsuit, Jonathan Montano became irritated after waiting more than four hours for a dialysis appointment and decided to leave the Loma Linda VA facility and seek treatment at a facility in Long Beach. Montano’s family said that he did not want to allow the hospital to remove a shunt placed in his arm for the treatment; but VA officials insisted that it be done because, they said, it would be too dangerous to travel with it in place.  

The hospital called in VA Police to deal with Montano, claiming that he had become belligerent as he insisted that he be allowed to leave the facility with the shunt in place. The veteran’s widow alleges that the officers subsequently threw Montano to the floor, beating him and damaging his carotid artery, causing a stroke. Two and a half weeks after the incident, Montano was dead.  
The hospital initially told Mrs. Montano, who was not present when the incident occurred, that her husband suffered the stroke in a fall.

“Later on, one of the nurses at the VA Hospital in Loma Linda took Norma Montano aside, and told her that her husband didn’t fall, but was slammed to the ground by the VA Police, that Norma Montano was being lied to, and that it wasn’t right what the VA Police did to Jonathan Montano,” the suit alleges.

In December 2013, the VA reviewed the incident and declared that there was “no evidence of negligence or wrongful act or omission by VA employees that resulted in injury to, or the death of, the veteran patient in June 2011. Although a terrible and unfortunate incident occurred, VA personnel acted and responded appropriately.”


This has not yet been proven, so it is only an allegation.  Yet, given everything we are learning, I believe there’s some serious truth to it. 


Q. How do you feel about Montel Williams' lambast about the V.A. scandal?  (Tulip ~ Denver, CO)
A. I admire him.  I suppose that makes Obama and me enemies. 

Q. Do you think Obama could ever take the country over in a coup or something like that?  (Gwendolyn ~ Weed, CA)
A. A 2010 Pentagon directive on military support to civilian authorities details what critics say is a troubling policy that envisions the Obama administration’s potential use of military force against Americans.  However, given Obama’s treatment of the military and vets in this country, I find it difficult to believe that any member of the military would obey any such orders.  On the flip side of that coin, we don’t know what the Muslims in this country would do if Obama called them out to support him. 

Q. With all of the gun violence we’ve had over the last year or two, how can you possibly be against some form of gun control?  (Phyllis ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. I think we need to take immediate step to prevent guns from being used by felons, crooks, thugs and the mentally disturbed.  I favor that kind of gun control. 

“Our guys went over, they’ve left body parts, some of them never made it back, some of them are here now but their souls are still there, and we have the audacity to turn our back on them right this second.” ~ Montel Williams


Friday, May 30, 2014


There is a growing call in Congress to expedite care for veterans by allowing for them to obtain treatment from private physicians, clinics and hospitals. 

Gosh, that’s exactly the opposite direction from where ObamaCare is trying to go.  Furthermore, if that’s what we end up doing, (and I’m all for it... let’s get our veterans the care they earned and deserve), it becomes is prima facie evidence that not only is the V.A. system not working, but ObamaCare is not going to work either.  Let’s call a spade a spade; they can’t have it both ways. 

Q. Shinseki says he’s approving a plan for veterans to get non-specialized care from private doctors.  Will this solve the problem?  (Twyla ~ Interurban, WA)
A. No, it’s political bull.  In order to get any care, including specialized care, you need a referral from the V.A.  So yes, after you stand in line for six months to two years, you can get a referral and go see your private physician.  A very large percentage of vets cannot afford either private insurance or private medical costs.  It’s a catch-22 and Shinseki evidently thinks you’re going to swallow it.  Be careful of what you swallow; you might get pregnant. 

Q. Why hasn’t Obama demanded that Mexico release ex-Marine Andrew Tahmooressi from prison?  (Manny ~ Las Vegas, NM)
A. I’ve said many times in my blogs that Obama doesn’t give a damn about anyone other than himself.  He cares even less about the military or veterans.  Take a look at Saturday's MY AMERICAN OPINION. 

Q.  Joe the Plumber has spoken out on mass gun killings and gun control advocates: “Your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.”  How do you feel about that?  That’s pretty cold and harsh, as far as I’m concerned.  (Myrna ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. Harsh as it may seem, he is correct.  Every one of those killed had the Constitutional right to go and buy a gun and learn how to use it and to defend themselves.  Had they done so, they most likely would be alive today.  I believe every qualified American, not a felon or mentally unfit, should be required to buy and carry a gun and to become proficient in its use.  Not only would these killings come to a grinding halt, but all crimes involving the use of guns would drastically decrease as well; the facts and statistics bear me out.  Decreasing the number of guns in the hands of citizens only makes them more vulnerable to the thugs and nuts of the world, (no offense intended, Ms. Pelosi).   

“Let’s be clear.  Benghazi happened a long time ago.” ~ Jay Carney


Thursday, May 29, 2014


Nancy Pelosi recently admitted that there are some problems with ObamaCare and has suggested that a single-payer system would be much better. 

The V.A. is a single-payer system and exemplifies what we’re in for if we go for a single-payer system.  Moreover, ObamaCare was initially proposed as a single-payer system, but so much hell was raised that it morphed into what it is today… a costly pack of lies and misinformation.  Most competent observers suspect that the problems inherent in today’s ObamaCare were deliberately planted so that Americans would get upset enough with it that it could be manipulated into a single-payer system.  Pelosi’s suggestion signals the beginning of a White House orchestrated campaign for that “new” system. 

Q. Do I understand that Obama plans to give complete amnesty by Executive Order in August to all illegals who arrived prior to 2014?  (Jessica ~ Davenport, IA)
A. That is correct. He desperately wants the Mexican votes in November.   By the way, do you realize how easy it is to get a Manuel Esteban Garcia del Martinez to vote several times in an election without getting caught?   What is worse is that our economy is hurting now and this is going to make it so much worse.  Worse, worse… I used it too many times; should have used wurst.   

Q. I guess Obama’s upset over some sign in Texas?  (Chuck ~ Florence, AZ)
A. Two signs recently posted have him irked: (1) "I like my guns like Obama likes his voters undocumented,” and (2) “Criminals obey gun laws like politicians follow their oaths of office.”  At least the signs tell the truth. 

Q. I’ve had so many opinions, I’m confused.  What is the best gun for home defense?  (Kyle ~ Laredo, TX)
A. These are the parameters: (1) One that is legal, (2) One that is comfortable, (3) One that is easy to load, unload and clean, (4) One that is easy for you to understand and to use, (5) One that is reliable, (has the least amount of jamming or misfires), (6) One that shoots straight, (has never been owned by a politician).  As you have seen, different people have differing opinions of comfort and ease of use.  You should be absolutely in love with the weapon you choose.  You’ll take better care of it, shoot it more often and therefore be more likely to become proficient, and it will become very natural for you to draw, aim and fire.  The more nervous and uncomfortable you are with it, the more likely you are to have a problem in a middle-of-the-night confrontation with a rabid house burglar. 

“On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind.  As a nation, it is our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind.” ~ Dan Lipinsky


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Remember the sudden big jump in the number of ObamaCare enrollees at the end of March?  Suddenly, we went from 3 million, to 4 and then to 8 million “sign ups?”  Here’s something you weren’t told: Prisons across the country are moving the costs of medical care for inmates to… ObamaCare.  There are an estimated 7 million people in prisons across the country. 
Are the ObamaCare signup numbers another one of Obama’s continuing deceptions and lies? 

Q. Why haven’t we ever demanded a legitimate birth certificate on Obama? (Rory ~ Danville, CA)
A. Ask the Democrats in the Senate.  That’s one of many reasons why they need to be voted out in November. 

Q. If the Republicans manage to get the Senate back, don’t they still have to get the President to sign their legislation? (Irving ~ Belen, NM)
A. Yes, and if the President vetoes, they need a 2/3 majority in both Houses of Congress to override the veto.  So, ideally you should have 67 or more Republicans, Liberty Party or Independents in the Senate.  You can have a simple majority of 51 and not be able to accomplish any more than they can now.  What a mess we’ve gotten ourselves into. 

Q. What’s all of this about the press and media not liking Hillary?  I never heard that before.  (Lilly ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. Hillary has a mean, nasty streak in her and no love for the press.  However, this is the first I’ve heard of the idea that the press might crucify her.  Can you image our press and media actually asking a liberal President a serious question?  Neither can I. Maybe they're really hoping the country will feel sorry for her, the poor persecuted woman. 

“You know, people make a lot of money talking about me, don’t they?” ~ Hillary Clinton

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Not a video; a memo about V.A. Scandal.  Note the date.)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The Women’s Equality Act, a bill pending in New York’s Legislature, allows late-term abortions for any reason and provides that poison may be injected into the hearts of any live births.  Late abortions can be completed by dismembering the developed unborn child, even when they can feel pain, pulling the baby out piece by piece until the mother’s uterus is empty.


Dear God: May they all rot in hell. 


Q. You said about a year ago that in locations where citizens have the most guns, the gun crime rate is the lowest.  With everyone buying guns these days, is that trend still holding?  (Wally ~ Spokane, WA)
A. Yip.  The FBI reports there is a continuing decrease in the national gun crime rate as people flock to the stores and “gun up.”  In fact, the total number of gun crimes declined in 2012, even as the population increased and people were buying more guns.  And in cities with stringent gun control laws, the gun crime rates are still up.  The moral to the story, in case you haven’t already learned it, is: Obama lies. 

Q. Federal employees owe $3.3 billion dollars in back taxes and we still employ them? (May ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Yip.  I guess we should give them all another bonus so they can pay up. 

Q. I think the comparison of the V.A. scandal with what ObamaCare will be is legitimate, but every time I mention it, liberals go bananas.  (Lucy ~ Enid, OK)
A. Yip. Remind them that one of the big arguments Democrats put forth when they were trying to pass ObamaCare was that the V.A. was a shining example of what ObamaCare could be.  Then they’ll start their usual scream, call you a racist and stomp off, at which time you will know you made your point.    


“I frankly don’t care if you agree with my stand on abortion.  I take that stand because no other stand is consistent with decent principles, and no other stand is consistent with the will of God.” ~ Alan Keyes


Saturday, May 24, 2014


Hot on the heels of Chipotle’s announcement that it didn’t want anyone carrying guns into their outlets, concealed or not, licensed or not, Chili’s is now mulling the same move. 

They say it’s in the interest of safety and comfort of their guests.  When is the last time a licensed concealed carry gunman shot off a round in any restaurant injuring anyone but a bad guy?  If I’m a thug or I want to shoot someone and make a name for myself, the last place I’m going is a place where occupants might be toting guns; the first place I’ll go is where guns are banned.  And if you look at the mass shootings that have occurred, every last one of them occurred where no one else had a gun except the shooter.  If I want to feel safe, I sure as hell am not going into Chipotle’s or any other restaurant where I cannot carry my licensed concealed carry cannon.  I think there are about 90 million gun owners in America who agree with me.  That's why I eat at Winchesters.  Read below.

Q. The other day, we heard about hackers breaking into a utility computerized control system.  We really need to be concerned about this because we cannot operate this country without electricity.  What are we doing about it?  (Giles ~ Reno, NV)
A. That must be why Janet Napolitano ordered 2 billion rounds of ammo… so she could shoot those cyber crooks, wherever they are.  So far, I think the only thing we’re doing about it is giving lip service.  But, Obama will fix it, just like he’s “fixed” everything else in this country.  Sleep well tonight. 

Q. I read an opinion article about what a great Surgeon General or Director of Health and Human Services Dr. Ben Carson would make in some president’s cabinet.  Do you agree?  (Shayna ~ Leawood, KS)
A. Well, of course I agree.  But, whoever said that was, I think, planting the thought because they don’t want Carson to run for President.  In other words, it’s probably either a Republican hierarchy or Democrat National Committee ploy.  Everyone wants Hillary to be “greased in.”  But, with her extra-thick glasses, I can’t imagine how she can see to sign her official running documents. 

Q. There's a restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, that bans guns. They had a nasty robbery last week.  What happened?   (Bonnie ~ Boise, ID)
A. According to the local ABC-TV affiliate Channel 11, "just before 9 p.m. Sunday, three men wearing hoodies entered the restaurant through the back doors with pistols, and forced several staff members to lie on the floor.  The bandits assaulted two employees during the crime, but they were not seriously injured."  I guess they figured it was "easy pickings."  They obviously were correct, which makes my point above.  Gosh, I wonder if their guns were registered? 

“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” ~ Albert Einstein


Friday, May 23, 2014


Using American tax dollars, President Obama is now ready to issue government checks to insurance companies who have not seen the revenues promised by Congress and the Administration in order to avoid higher insurance premiums before the November elections. The revenues have not been attained due to the lower-than-forecast number of enrollees. 


Isn’t he such a swell guy?  He’s going to make us pay one way or the other, isn’t he?  Run this through your computer: he's going to raise taxes so you can go on a wait list for treatment like the vets do.   


Q. What do you say to the position that the VA problems were occurring before Obama, probably even before Clinton? (Chelsea ~ Lynnwood, WA)
A. That is beside the point; what IS the point is that Obama knew when he was running for office in 2008 that the problem existed.  It was one of his campaign promises that he was going to “fix it.”  Five years later, when the story surfaced, he tried to claim he knew nothing about it until he read it in the papers?  And don’t his lackeys report to him? Then, he said he was going to investigate it?  Three weeks after he “read about it” he goes on TV and again says he’s going to investigate it?  That means that regardless of what he promised three weeks ago about an investigation, nothing had yet been done!  He’s had five years to investigate it, get to the bottom of it and fix it.  The fact that he has not is deliberate criminal negligence resulting in the deaths of innocent American veterans.  There’s no sugar-coating of these facts; they speak for themselves.  And WE Americans need to do something besides just jawboning about it. 

Q. How do you feel about the pushback on the gift shop at the World Trade Center Museum? (Judy ~ Medford, OR)
A. How far are we going to go with this damned marketing and commercialization of everything?  Why not put advertising placards on the backs of tombstones?  Why not sell souvenir jars of victims’ ashes at the Pentagon?  We’re all going to end up in hell over this trend in business, and what upsets me is that Obama us undoubtedly going to be there, too.  Can you imagine being locked up in purgatory for ever and ever with that “dude?” 

Q. The ObamaCare program has been issuing the wrong subsidies to enrollees.  Some got more than they deserved by far.  What’s the skinny?  (Madge ~ Clearlake, CA)
A. The ObamaCare computers still don’t interface with the IRS computers, so they can’t verify client income.  Put that in the book of things that Obama is “going to fix.”  I think we’re up to Chapter 1,348 now and still recording….  

TODAY’S QUOTE: (Yeah, right…)
“What Washington needs is adult supervision.” ~ Barack Hussein Obama


Thursday, May 22, 2014


The White House is going to designate some 500,000 acres of land in New Mexico as a National Monument. 

I have mixed emotions here.  This land contains some very important historical and spiritual places of Native Americans and should be protected; on the other hand, I concur that such a designation will likely increase foot traffic across the Mexican border, to our detriment.  Why the whole 500,000 acres; why not just those lands upon which the antiquities exist?  It sounds to me like another government land grab to keep the boys in the government gestapo busy.   

Q. I know you have said it, but do you really think the V.A. scandal portends what is to come with ObamaCare?  (Virginia ~  Redding, CA)
A. Under one of the provisions of ObamaCare, there’s a very strong disincentive to readmit chronically ill Medicare patients.  The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program took effect in October and penalizes hospitals for readmitting patients who have: heart failure, heart attack, pneumonia, COPD and follow-up needs after congestive heart failure.  In other words, send them home to die.  Four friendly members of Congress who created this bill exempted themselves; isn’t that lovely.  Send them a box of prunes with my regards. 

Q. I understand that the Obama Administration is working on economical ways to force gun dealers out of business.  Can you elaborate?  (Marty ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. Eric Holder has put heat on the F.D.I.C. and the Federal Trade Commission to list gun dealers as being “high risk” businesses so that banks will quit accepting credit card transactions from them.  The Obama Administration is unscrupulous in getting around Constitutional guarantees. 

Q. Nintendo has announced plans to push the gay agenda through the sales of its gaming software.  They want young children to learn to accept the gay lifestyle, regardless of how their parents might feel about the subject.  Can’t we stop this?  (Guy ~ Livermore, CA)
A. Don’t buy their products and don’t allow their products in your house.  Make your friends aware of Nintendo’s attempt to get involved in personal upbringing of children and imposing their own morals on us.  There are laws against porn; how can they justify pushing gay sex on our kids?  Let them go bankrupt and see how they like playing their games.  

“Never live with someone that won the Heisman.” ~ Kato Kaelin