Friday, March 7, 2014


Cerberus Capital Management, the owner of Albertsons and several other supermarket chains, is intending to gobble up Safeway, according to recent news releases.  Safeway said in February that it was looking into putting itself up for sale. The Pleasanton, California based company has been trying to adapt for some time to increased competition and recently shed some of its smaller and less profitable units, such as its Canadian operations and Dominick's stores in Chicago.


The Supermarket business is a tough business.  Profit margins are extremely low and stores depend on volume or being in a niche to survive.  Safeway did a superb job in late 1990’s and early 2000’s in getting personal with great customer service; their profits soared.  But, like so many businesses out there today, they are again out of touch with their customer base and ripe for the plucking.  You need to put the customer first and you need to be willing to adapt to the ever-changing and sometimes fickle consumer. 


Q. What do you think it will require to get Russia out of Crimea?  (Joyce ~ Baldwin Park, CA)
A. I would be flabbergasted if Putin gives up Crimea for anything less than the presence of six U.S. Navy ships loaded with nukes aimed at Moscow and that is not going to happen with this President.  The European nations require strong leadership and military support to even think about dealing with Russia, and the U.S. is simply not going to provide either at this time.  In fact, I think Putin has a wide-open gate to go take over whatever country he wants in that part of the world and no one is going to stop him as long as Obama is in the White House.  Putin knows this and has every reason not to stop his acquisitions with Crimea and to grab as much property as he can before Obama is out of office.  So, write Crimea off and quit wringing your hands over it.  Let’s get back to the issues of the day: Benghazi, I.R.S. targeting and the ObamaCare disaster and accept the probability that the Soviet Union will be reassembled in its entirety by 2016. 

Q. If, for some remote reason Hillary does not get the Democratic nomination, who will they put up in 2016?  (Hiram ~ Hawthorne, NV)
A. Either John Kerry, Michelle Obama or a combination of the two.  Biden will be bidin’ his time in retirement. 

Q. I understand Obama is in a furious outrage over the Senate turning down Debo Adegbile for heading up the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the fact that some Democrats had the utter audacity to vote against his dictates.  I also understand he may go ahead and put Adegbile in the job anyway during a Senate recess.  Isn’t this country fed up yet with his arrogance and disregard for the public will?  (Pansy ~ Richmond, CA)
A. They say that whenever Obama goes to the bathroom, all of the toilet seats stand at attention.  After this last vote, however, I understand they all flushed at the same time.  He will likely try it just to get revenge against Americans, knowing that even Court action won’t get into full gear until after he has left office.  And those Dems who voted against him are being lined up for IRS audits and other retributions as we speak.    


“There is only one boss; the customer.  And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” ~ Sam Walton


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