Monday, March 3, 2014


Connecticut gun owners by the tens of thousands have rightfully refused to register their rifles.  The Special Licensing and Firearms Unit of the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection has prepared a draft letter to be sent to all gun owners, but has refused to discuss the contents in advance of mailing.  Officials are also reportedly notifying gun owners who submitted late applications that they have one last chance to get rid of their “illegal” weapons.  Owning an unregistered semi-automatic rifle or high-capacity magazine that was legal prior to January 3 is now a class D felony under the new law, and speculation is that the draft letter contains language regarding confiscation and felony charges. 

I stand with those who stand against this new law.  Let this end up in the Supreme Court.  As for as those gun owners affected, I’d be working on recall elections similar to what happened in Colorado.  We need to stand together firmly and strongly in defense of our Constitutional rights and we need to be willing to rebel when they are violated.  Let’s make all Connecticut legislators sign up for ObamaCare; that’ll fix their pious fannies. 

Q. What are the latest polling figures regarding ObamaCare?  (Vi ~ Danville, CA)
A. A whopping 6% say ObamaCare is working and should remain as is, according to a New York Times/CBS poll.  That might have something to do with Reid’s proclamation that all people claiming some form of injury as a result of ObamaCare are liars.  I think those morons all have bad cases of hemorrhoids.      

Q. The U.S. is going to issue Ukraine $1 billion in loan guarantees.  Will that save them? (Quai ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. Isn’t that about the amount that Obama Paid for the ObamaCare Website?  It’s certainly better than nothing, but Putin offered $15 billion in cash, no guarantee involved.  Even that amount will do little to stabilize the Ukraine’s economy.  Maybe we should send them a duck. 

Q. Do you have an update on the Iranian ships headed for our East Coast or the Russian naval ship in Cuba?  (Bruce ~Las Vegas, NV)
A. No, but I’m not really worried about either threat; Obama is in charge here. 

“President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” ~ Clint Eastwood


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