Saturday, March 22, 2014


Regardless of Obama’s relentless drive to place America solidly under the thumb of socialism, Sweden has become the first of the Western European nations to take a major step away from socialism. According to the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), “Sweden spent years as a statist economy, with marginal tax rates above 90 percent.  With nationalized healthcare and welfare programs, Sweden had a budget deficit worth 13 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) in 1993 and a government debt at 71 percent of its national output.”  These deficit and debt levels should sound familiar to anyone paying attention to what has happened to America’s economy over the last several decades and particularly during the first six years of the Obama administration.


Sweden has not yet weaned itself completely from socialism, but it has made excellent progress. Countries operating under the socialistic mantra are all in economic decline.  Americans need to pay attention to this free lesson being provided to us by European nations and to direct Congress to out an abrupt end to Obama’s disastrous goals. 


Q. Nancy Pelosi went off on reporters the other day, because they used the term “ObamaCare.”  She lectured that the name is “Affordable Health Care,” because it’s affordable, affordable, affordable.  Why doesn’t somebody put her in her place?  (Sharon ~ San Diego, CA)
A. A recent polling of insurance companies indicates that insurance costs would be much, much less if it were not for ObamaCare.  It stands to reason they are correct; you simply cannot insert such a huge bureaucracy into the middle of the equation without jacking the costs way up… period.  No one can put her in her place; she’s already there, out of her mean-spirited tree. 

Q. They found another glitch on the ObamaCare website.  It’s giving out faulty information as to whether or not you qualify for subsidies.  Shouldn’t the government have to honor the misinformation?  I mean, it’s like a contract; the website makes the offer and you accept it when you sign up.  (Larry ~ Tulsa, OK)
A. What you say makes sense, but you fail to take into account the fact that Obama and his goombahs have been allowed to lie prolifically without being called to task over it. Whatever he says, verbal or written, is as reliable as the sun coming up in the west.   

Q. What do you think about Hawaii wanting to allow police undercover agents to have sex with prostitutes in order to arrest them?  (Penelope ~ Walnut Creek, CA)
A. What’s wrong with that?  The Secret Service has sex with prostitutes all of the time and they’re not even in the business of making arrests.  It’s just another symptom of our screwed-up thinking and rationalizations. 


“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent value is the equal sharing of misery.” ~ Winston Churchill


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