Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Already faced with enormous increases in health insurance costs as well as increases in co-pays and deductibles due to ObamaCare, insurance companies are now say that, due to the low number of signups so far, those insured under ObamaCare can expect double-digit premium increases next year. 

Pay up or go to jail; Obama’s warming up some comfortable cells in Guantanamo for complainers.    

Q. What is your opinion on the Malaysian Boeing 777 plane; do you think it went down in the Indian Ocean as their Prime Minister says? (Frieda ~ Bellevue, WA)
A. They certainly put out a lot of misleading information before, didn’t they?  And, as of this post, no one has actually picked up a piece of the “wreckage.”  They have no “pings” to hang their hats on.  Now, I have to think they would not make the statement that the plane was in the Indian Ocean unless they had good reason to say so, but who knows at this point?  So, I’m going to quit saying it’s in Pakistan or thereabouts and say there’s a 70% chance it’s in the Indian Ocean.   

Q. Given the U.S. sanctions against Russia, do you think Putin will continue to help us in Syria and Iran?  (Ilke ~ Southfield, MI)
A. Who in the world ever said they were helping us in Syria and Iran?  That was a just a lot of hype to get the heat off of Obama.  They still have chemical weapons in Syria and Iran has not… repeat, NOT slowed down its progress toward having nuclear weapons one iota.  Putin has always been on Iran’s and Assad’s side, from the get go and regardless of his offer to “intervene.” If you don’t understand that, I presume you voted for Obama.    

Q. Why did Holder stonewall a Congressional request to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS targeting scandal?  (Irving ~ Folsom, CA)
A. Because the evidence points all of the way into the Oval Office. 

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” ~ Douglas Adams


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