Monday, March 10, 2014


Obama and Kerry have been talking about economic sanctions against Russia unless Putin withdraws his troops from the Ukraine.  Putin has now responded by saying that any U.S. sanctions imposed on Moscow over the crisis in Ukraine will boomerang back on the United States. 

There is some speculation that Russia may dump U.S. dollars on the world market, thereby devaluing the currency and throwing the U.S. economy into a nosedive.  There is also discussion about stopping U.S. inspections regarding missile dismantling.  Putin is making it clear that he is not going to take any adverse actions by the U.S. or the European community lying down.  Okay, Barry, what’s your next brilliant move going to be… shutting off the importing of Russian vodka to the U.S.?  What are we going to do if the Russians quit ferrying our astronauts back and forth to the International Space Station?  There’s nothing like dealing with these things from a position of strength, is there? 

Q. Do you think they will ever get to the bottom of the IRS targeting scandal and, if so, what will they find?  (Jared ~ Crescent City, CA)
A. They won’t get to the bottom unless they get more aggressive.  They really should have given Lerner immunity; I think the prize will be proof that Obama deliberately and personally instructed the IRS to go after his political enemies and that the Tea Party targeting is merely the tip of the iceberg. 

Q. What do you think happened to that passenger plane heading from Malaysia to China?  (Peg ~ Wichita Falls, TX)
A. I don’t think it turned around; if you have time to turn around, you have time to at least send out a distress signal.  You have a pilot, a co-pilot and navigator as a minimum crew, and one of them should have been able to communicate problems to the ground; so, an abrupt event is likely.  They were not over tall mountains, so I discard the possibility of running into one during a blinding fog.  That leaves some type of explosive event aboard the aircraft, such as exploding fuel tanks, running into another aircraft, or an on-board bomb.  The fact that there were two men aboard with stolen passports is ominous.     

Q. Part of Obama’s sales pitch on ObamaCare was that no one should be saddled with huge and unexpected medical bills due to health conditions.  I’m reading about Fred Rosamilia from New Jersey who pays $800 a month for the “top notch” ObamaCare plan and who was told after cancer surgery that his surgery was not covered under the plan.  They are now considering medical bankruptcy.  What do you think Obama and Sebelius have to say about that?  (Todd ~ Shreveport, LA)
A. Something like Frank is a liar and a racist, followed by an I.R.S. audit. 

“Junk is the ideal product… the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessary.  The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy.” ~ William S. Burroughs


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