Friday, November 18, 2011


Barack Obama seems to have come to the conclusion that his Presidency is in trouble.  He dispatched David Axelrod and other top aides to meet with Bill Clinton last week in Harlem to seek advice. 

It’s too bad he doesn’t believe in God; that’s where he should be seeking help, guidance and direction. 

Q. What is your opinion of the high salaries and lavish bonuses paid to the chief executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, especially after those agencies almost put this country down the tube?  (Barney ~ Silver Springs, MD)
A. Don’t complain to me.  DO something about it the way you vote in 2012.  That’s the problem with us: We’re like birds… all mouth and no ass. We can and we must overcome what is happening to our country and the way to do it is to step up and grab the bull by the horns. 

Q. I heard that Obama’s refusal to allow the Canadian pipeline to be built has prompted Canada to announce they will therefore sell their oil to China.  How did that answer sit in the Oval Office?  (Buster ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. I understand Obama came unglued at Canada’s audacity to challenge him.  The firm building the pipeline has agreed to move it, but the Administration still will not budge from saying they will decide in 2013, after the election.  Now, if he was serious about putting people back to work, which he obviously is not, he would jump right on this proposition because it means 20,000 instant jobs and some new refinery capacity.   See what a snake he really is?   

Q. Congress has been looking at emails sent from Secretary of Energy Chu to the White House regarding Solyndra.  Do you think they will find anything?  (Xenia ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Yes, and I don’t mean dirty jokes, either.  Solyndra will unravel to be Obama’s Watergate where the fickle finger of blame will ultimately point straight into the Oval Office; all indicators are that Obama, in fact, knowingly took political contributions in return for the loan guarantees.    

“The new political gospel: Public office is private graft. ~ Mark Twain


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