Sunday, November 6, 2011


Most of America’s unemployed no longer receive job benefits and are not counted in the unemployment figures.  Nearly 1/3 of Americans on unemployment benefits have been out for more than a year.  Nearly 46 million people received food stamps in August, a record.  That figure in and of itself demonstrates that 46 million people or more are either unemployed or underemployed, where statistics simply say 14 million are unemployed and drawing benefits.  If 14 million = 9.0%, then 46 million = 29.6%.  In the Great Depression, the average length of unemployment was 41 weeks; currently, it is 39 weeks.  Those unemployed for longer periods of time are eroding their knowledge and training, making them less attractive to potential employers. 

Just ask yourself:  What is your President or your Congressional delegation doing about it and what progress have they made in the last 36 months?  Do you really want to reelect them in 2012?      

Q. Do you think the thousands of customers moving their accounts out of Bank of America could push the bank into financial ruin? (Elwyn ~ Richfield, UT)
A. Look at it this way.  If 100,000 customers with an average of $2,000 in deposits moved their accounts, that would be $200,000,000.  Bank of America and its worldwide subsidiaries had over $4 trillion in deposits as of September 30, 2011.  However, the message did get across and the bank reversed its planned debit card fee, so this shows there is power in consumer numbers.  The lesson here is that the government did not need to intervene; the problem was solved in the market place by the consumer.  Therefore, the government should keep its nose out of businesses’ business.   

Q. Do you think Israel will perform a military strike against Iran, and how will that affect the U.S.?  (Horace ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Yes, they will.  Israel is not going to sit there and wait for Iran to gain the ability to nuke them and we cannot blame the Israeli’s for that position.  Russia is a close ally of Iran and we have always been an ally of Israel.  Therefore, the Russians are exerting heavy political pressure to get the U.S. to tell Israel not to make such a strike.  Obama has been all ears and has definitely chilled our relationsh8ip with Israel.  I think Israel will strike and Russia will be provoked into doing something to us in retaliation.  What that something might be is anyone’s guess at this point, but there is always the danger of World War III whenever you are discussing the Middle East. 

Q. The heat continues on Cain over the sexual harassment charges.  Now that it’s been ongoing for a week, what’s your opinion?  (Felicity ~ Riverside, CA)
A. There’s still no substance, even after all of the political rhetoric and nasty media remarks.  Where is the smoking gun that says he sexually harassed and that he lied to the American people about it?  The anti-Cain politicos are making more of this than they did of Clinton’s Oval Office carpet and cigar escapades with Monica Lewinsky by far.  They should either put up or shut up, period; their prejudices are showing, in full color, (pardon the play on words).   

TODAY’S QUOTE: “Sexual harassment is complex, subtle, and highly subjective.” ~ Kathie Lee Gifford


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