Tuesday, November 8, 2011


A poll being conducted by Newsmax had Cain at 35% of the vote, Gingrich at 31% and Romney at 15%, with about 128,000 votes counted.  This is after the sex misconduct allegations against Cain have been boiling for a week.  Most of the Newsmax audience is conservative and this poll indicates they are not too hot on Romney, either. 

And the Republican hierarchy, afraid of Cain’s popularity, continues to join the Democrats in bashing him.  This amounts to murder by innuendo.  

Q. Now we have a 4th woman who claims Cain tried inappropriate sexual contact with her during his time with the NRA.  What is your answer to that?  (Andrea ~ Redding, CA)
A. As of press time, I am not moved.  Did she file harassment charges against him at the time?  Why haven’t the other three come forward?  What is her political affiliation?  Why did this alleged "event" take place after she was terminated?  The more this goes on, the more it appears to me to be a smear campaign and the more I am convinced that Rick Perry’s organization is behind it.  Stop and think about it; why have there been no charges filed by people who did not work for the Restaurant Association?  Why were the charges that were filed by employees of the association settled for very small amounts?  Why didn’t these charges emerge before Cain’s former campaign employees went to work for Rick Perry? 

Q. 49 million Americans are living in poverty?  Why aren’t Obama and the government doing something about it?  (Charice ~ Toledo, OH)
A.  Because the recession is over and everything is rosy?  Obama would have us believe that, but I think the real answer is because Obama wants it that way.  Those people depend on him and the government for subsistence and it is believed that those people will not dare to vote against him. 

Q. The “Occupy” protests are becoming more violent.  The Tea Parties never engage in this type of activity.  Why isn’t our government putting a stop to this?  (John ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. I don’t want to scare anyone, but I predicted shortly after Obama’s election a series of events that would occur including national unrest building to a crescendo going into the 2012 elections.  I based these predictions on the possibility that the stage would then be set for Obama to declare a state of national emergency, to “postpone” the elections and to take over the government.  Now, I am not saying that is what is definitely going to happen, but all of my predictions in this respect have come true so far and we certainly need to be concerned and to pay attention.   

“I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. ~ Mohandas Gandhi


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