Thursday, November 10, 2011


Attorney Joe Bennett yesterday called a special news conference to announce new details in the Cain sex harassment charges.  He then proceeded to announce that he would be contacting the female accusers from the National Restaurant Association to ask them to join him and Karen Kraushaar in a press conference and that he would have another press conference to announce when that press conference would be.  Kraushaar, it turns out, also filed sexual harassment charges with a subsequent employer who had denied her request to work from home.  Sharon Bialek, the only other woman who has identified herself, suffers from chronic unemployment and two bankruptcies and has no explanation as to how she supposedly ended up in a hotel room alone with Herman Cain, a compromising position that most respectable women would avoid at all costs.   

This whole scenario proves more and more by the minute that it is a manufactured attempt to smear a good man.  It amounts to trial by innuendo.  There is not one shred of evidence put forth so far that would be admitted in a court of law.  It’s all “she said, he said” and when you examine the credentials of the parties involved, you have no choice but to side with Cain.  It reminds me of some of the things Nixon did to his opponents and it’s immoral and unethical as hell.  Furthermore, those who pursue these ridiculous charges are tainting themselves by lending some sort of supposed credence to them.  Put up or shut up.  

Q. Will Obama’s horrible remarks about Netanyahu to Sarkozy hurt our relations with Israel?  (Wilma ~ Seattle, WA)
A. What relations with Israel?  Obama destroyed our relations with Israel months ago.  If there is a Jew left in the country who will vote for his reelection, I’ll have lox and bagels for breakfast.   

Q. What do you think about the Penn State sex scandal?  (Carl ~ Reno, NV)
A. It seems to me that more of us should be clinging on to our guns and, in particular, our religion.  Now, here is a case of sexual misconduct that has witnesses and credible evidence; yet, the press and media continue to dwell on Cain.  Why?  And yes, in this case someone needs to go to jail.   

Q. The news is out that the IAEA has confirmed that Iran is working on nuclear weapons.  Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is basically telling the world to butt out.  What are we going to do about that?  (Shelly ~ Alturas, CA)
A. I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama invited the pompous little midget over for a beer in the Rose Garden.  Outside of that, I don’t think we’re going to be doing anything.  The Super Committee is not going to reach any agreement which means they have to cut defense spending by 50% unless Congress reverses itself.  And, with DOD spending $30,000 for commodes and $1,200 for hammers, where are we going to get the money to do anything about it?  Maybe Solyndra might kick in a few million?  If anything is going to be done about it, it will be up to Israel to do it. 

“A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings.” ~ Thomas Fuller


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