Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A Senate subcommittee has subpoenaed the White House for confidential documents and the results of an investigation into the Fort Hood shootings last fall. A committee member is alleging that the White House is stonewalling on whether or not the shootings could have been prevented. "Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to avoid reaching the conclusion that the departments simply do not want to cooperate with our investigation," according to a letter accompanying the subpoena.

It’s not unusual that the White House would withhold such information where one party occupies the White House and a different party is in control of Congress. I don’t recall anytime where such a situation has arisen when the White House and Congress are occupied by the same party. Maybe somebody forgot to spike the punch? Maybe Rahm Emanuel forgot to get somebody included in the payoffs for voting yes on the Health Care Bill?

Q. Why is it that this Goldman Sachs thing is coming out right now when Obama is trying to get his financial reform package passed? Isn’t the timing odd? (Helen ~ Knoxville, TN)
A. For the same reason the Blue Cross premium increases came out when he was getting his Obamacare passed. You’re very awake… This is not a dream. They think we don’t catch on to their bull. Keep up the good work and smart thinking.  

Q. What’s your opinion on the illegal immigration issue? (Willie ~ El Centro, CA)
A. You’re not going to like the answer. I believe anyone… and everyone who is here illegally and not in jail should be immediately deported. I don’t care if they’ve had kids born here who have become U.S. citizens or not, they need to go. They can leave their U.S. kids behind if they want, but they need to go. We did not create this situation, they did when they crossed illegally and it’s grossly unfair to those who immigrated according to the law. I’ve heard it said that we simply cannot send 12 million people back, and I ask, “Why not?” Sorry if you disagree, but the law is the law; we bend it and twist it at will, which is why no one respects it. If you want to change the law, change it. Otherwise, let’s just have anarchy, and we’re close to it.

Q. Some lizard told me that Michael Douglas got five years in jail? For what? (Lucille ~ North Hollywood, CA)
A. Even in rumors, there is some truth. His son Cameron got the five years for selling drugs, and he wasn’t working in a pharmacy, either. What kind of lizard was it?

“The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.” ~ Mark Twain



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