Saturday, April 24, 2010


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he is going to ask for a vote on the Financial Reform Bill Monday and is daring anyone to try and filibuster it. The President’s Cap & Trade Bill, already passed by the House last summer, will also gear up in the Senate Monday. Both Bills will create new government agencies and will cost the taxpayers billions of dollars, but Reid, Pelosi and Obama are making it very clear that they expect to have these bills passed and signed immediately so that the Senate can take up the Supreme Court nominee issue and have it resolved before the summer recess. They are telling Republicans to get out of the way, that these will be passed and the cost to the taxpayer is not on the table for discussion.

I warned everyone I know that, if Obama got his health care passed that there would be no stopping him; that was the toughest of his agenda and he managed to shove it you know where. Now, there is speculation that the $500 billion in Medicare cuts that were used to make us believe that bill was deficit neutral, (which it was not, even with the cuts)… those cuts may not happen! In other words, the downright lies, deceits, untruths… are escalating. I don’t know about you, but I’m beginning to think November might be too late.

Q. There’s hardly been any real discussion, and the Senate is ready to pass a financial reform package. How can they do this? (Myrna ~ Annapolis, MD)
A. They have to get it passed so we can find out what’s in it, just like the Health Care. Aren’t you glad you voted for these assholes?  (Sorry to be blunt, but the term is appropriate.)

Q. What’s with the immigration issue in Arizona? I thought that was a totally Federal thing? (Eustis ~ Danbury, CT)
A. Generally speaking, it is a Federal matter and states can’t do much about it. However, when the Federal government refuses to address the issue and states have to bear the associated costs and crime, I believe the states do have a right to enact laws to deal with it. I thought Obama would deal with it right after he got his health care passed, but obviously he’s afraid of what the issue will do to the elections. Why, I don’t know; he’s not been afraid to crucify the Constitution over other issues.

Q. Do you think the current Tea Party movement will succeed in making changes in the way they do things in Washington? (Art ~ Sonoma, CA)
A. Absolutely. The movement is growing very rapidly and I feel it will soon reach 50% of the registered voters. The silent majority is awakening, and they’re grumpy. More and more Americans are tuning Obama out.

“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” ~ T. S. Eliot



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