First-time unemployment filings are up again. Tax revenues are in the crapper. Federal workers and Members of Congress are getting raises. Everything seems to be just the way Obama wants it. TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
Q. Did I hear something about Obama getting rid of the White House Press Corps? (Carlyle ~ West Point, MS)A. It was one of those “floaters” that wafts out now and then to see what the public reaction might be if it happened. Obama and crew have been seeking to have total control of the news from the White House for months. The theory proffered is that they have a Website anyway, why do they need to have press conferences? The reality is that some of the questions now coming up in press conferences are starting to be very uncomfortable. If you remember, they overtly tried to exclude Fox News from the Press Corps many months back, but the resulting uproar among Press Corps members themselves caused Obama to do an abrupt about face. History tells us that he who controls the news controls the people, absolutely. If you don’t recognize this as a totalitarian Marxist move, then what is it?
Q. Even with all of the uproar about the Republicans taking back the House and the Senate in November, do you think it will actually happen? (Monte ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. I think they will do everything within their power to prevent it. I look for S.E.I.U. involvement, I look for covert activity from the so-called "disbanded" ACORN, I look for activity from the Black Panthers, I look for use of public funds under Geithner’s control to buy ads, I look for outright media bias against anyone running on a conservative agenda, I anticipate outright intimidation and smear tactics, I look for dirty tricks against the American Tea Party, and more. Thanks to more and more Americans who have had their eyes opened, the radical "progressive" hierarchy is afraid of what is happening. They anticipated the public uproar would die down after the Health Care Bill was passed and it hasn’t. They have come too far on their agenda to let it slip through their fingers now. It’s going to get damned nasty, and we are going to have to stick together and stay the course.
Q. I understand that workers are not retiring at age 65 as much as they used to. Why not? (Allie ~ Van Nuys, CA)
A. Their pensions are at risk. They lost money in investments. Their taxes are going to go up. Their cost for health care is about to skyrocket. What do you expect them to do, lay down and die?
“Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face.” ~ Thomas SowellTODAY’S VIDEO: (A classic example of what’s to come?)
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