Sunday, April 25, 2010


Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Friday the nation’s toughest bill on illegal immigration. Its aim is to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants. The law makes failure to carry immigration documents a crime and gives law enforcement broad power to detain people suspected of being in the country illegally.

And, Mr. President, I no longer care what you think. It’s irrelevant. YOU’RE irrelevant. For decades, the Federal government has failed to deal with this issue responsibly and according to the wishes of us genuine American citizens. I congratulate Governor Brewer and the Arizona State Legislature for having the testicles to do what’s right in the face of those of you in Washington who don’t care to do so.

Q. Just what new rules do you think the Congress should create to deal with Financial Reform? (Steve ~ Redding, CA)
A. I forget who said it, but it is very apropos: “You can't legislate morality.” But, you can legislate yourself into a corner. The danger here is that we can put so many shackles on the issue that we hamper the free flow of the nation's economy. And, of course, in the process of legislation, we can fork over so much power and control to some obscure government agency that we, the people, no longer have the right or the ability to know what is going on.

Government agencies are not transparent. They never have been. Their managers take on a territorial "fiefdom" approach and it literally takes another act of Congress to find out what is going on.

The problem here was not so much with the system... We had a system in place. The problem was with the people involved... The Franks, Dodds, Obamas, Geithners of the world. While Bush was no peach in my book, his Administration did sound the alarm early on and Frank and Dodd and company stonewalled it and got their backs up. Bush's administration did not follow up by bringing the issues to the full attention of the public. In the same manner, the oversight of the SEC failed us when they allowed a culture of "porno watching" to evolve to the point of making the system fail.

What really needs to happen and is not, is that we need a full-scale 9/11 commission style investigation and we need to name names and attach blame and remove or severely limit the authorities of those responsible. We already have the tools to do the job, but Obama, Pelosi and Reid prefer to turn their backs on those tools so that they can justify creating another agency and seizing more central government control.

Q. Do you think the oil rig explosion and sinking in the Gulf will stop offshore oil exploration? (Andy ~ Goleta, CA)
A. It will certainly give the naysayers some ammunition. As long as I’m on a roll in this posting, I suggest we shut down all oil and gas wells immediately so that we’ll lose electrical power and thereby turn off the microphones and loudspeakers of some of these imbeciles. Oh…I’ll not be able to blog? Forget that idea….

Q. I detect rapidly increasing violence in Iraq. Are we really going to pull our troops out? (Uncle Jack ~ Boulder City, NV)
A. We have no choice, if we’re going to nuke Iran. The winds would blow the radioactivity straight over our troops. Uh, oh? We’re not going to nuke Iran? Obama has ruled that out? Well, maybe we should get our troops out of Iraq before Iran nukes Iraq. Yeah… that must be the game plan.

“I won't say that the papers misquote me, but I sometimes wonder where Christianity would be today if some of those reporters had been Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.” ~ Barry Goldwater


Gosh, it's been 161 days since Obama announced that Khalid Sheik Mohamed would be tried in a civil court in New York City and it still hasn't been confirmed?  If I were KSM, I'd file some kind of motion with the Court by now... You know, like "Cruel and Unusual Punishment?"

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